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Everyone wants to know everything about me, always. Why does her eyebrow twitch? Why does she mumble to herself? Is she dangerous?


Billie didn't even look at the girl in front of her. Her voice was clear when she said no, but this girl wasn't moving.

"Billie, come on" she smiles "I think you're cool. I just want to-"

"Get away from me" Billie says, her voice low, threatening "Or so help me god-"

The girl's smile falters and even I flinch a bit. I haven't seen Billie showing any emotion since we've met, but right now she was glaring, her breathing obvious as she took in slow, exaggerated breaths.

"No, I'm going to stay here" she chuckles, taking her phone out. I don't think she realizes I'm watching her, because she starts recording. The way shes holding her phone makes it seem like she isn't, but I can see her screen. I realize instantly that she's trying to make Billie lose her temper and have an episode.

"Hey, Billie" I say sweetly, something in the back of my mind telling me not to do what I was about to do. "You might want to smile, this girl's recording you."

And to my surprise, Billie smiled.

Fear erupted into my chest, going deep into my heart as if an arrow coated in poison was lodged there. Her smile was cruel, sinister. The type of smile a murder has when covered in their victims blood.

"You're...recording me?" She chuckles, looking into the camera and winking "I didn't give her the permission to do that. But its okay, I hope you show your friends. I love an audience"

Billie suddenly shot up and lunged across the table, her hand on the girls neck, making both girls fly backwards and onto the floor. I flinched and scooted back in my seat, not wanting to be next to the chaos.

"You're gonna fucking learn to leave me the fuck alone when I say so" she mumbles, reaching into her pocket. Whatever she was looking for, she didn't get to pull out because school staff pulled Billie off of the girl.

I use this opportunity to stop the recording and delete the video, making sure its out of recently deleted as well.

"She's fucking mental! I was just trying to be nice! Her and her fucking friend are psychopaths!"

The principal frowns, His hand on Billie's shoulder. Billie's face was completely blank again, as if nothing had happened.

We all silently make our way to the principles office. Billie stays next to me the whole time, humming quietly to herself. She suddenly reaches into my pocket, putting something inside it and pulling the sweater over it.

"Don't touch it, don't move it, don't look at it" she mumbles and speeds up ahead of me. I feel the objects weight on my leg, and am immediately concerned. I take a seat on the couch in front of the long desk.

The principal sits down at his chair, and makes everyone explain what happened. His eyes scan over all of our faces as we talk, his expression never changing.

"She said she was going to show me something...how to leave her alone, and she reached into her pocket. I think she has a weapon" The girl whimpers. I can't remember her name.

"It was an empty threat" Billie mumbles.

"Empty threat or not, we take these things very seriously. Please stand and turn your pockets inside out."

Billie does as told, and my throat closes, the object in my pocket suddenly feeling hot. Like it would burn through my jeans and flesh, landing on the floor for everyone to see. Whatever Billie gave me, she didn't want the principal to find.

I had a weapon in my pocket.

I completely zone out, not even knowing what the principal said to Billie or the other girl after we all walk out. Billie sneaks up behind me, putting her hand into my sweater and grazing my skin as her hand goes into my pocket, pulling out the object and slipping it back into hers. I shudder from the skin to skin contact before turning away from her, not wanting to say anything.


"What was it" I ask once we sit down on the bus.

"A knife" She says, her voice flat. She pulls it out of her pocket and flicks it open, the shiny blade making my blood turn cold.

"You weren't going to-"

"Of course not" She mumbled "Empty threat."

I relaxed into my seat, letting my eyes close and my head rest on her shoulder. Sure, Billie was messed up. But she wasn't a murderer. We all get mad, we all have our issues, but Billie wasn't like that. She wouldn't take a life.

"I am not a pillow" Billie grunts, making me move away from her. I mumble an apology and she starts to whisper to herself, her eyebrow twitching. Her eyes dart around the area of the bus, and I knew she didn't see what everyone else saw.

By the time we get to her stop, I'm feeling a bit insane myself. Her constant whispering drove me nuts. It was worse than the mumbling from last night, it was right by my ear this time, and her whispers were breathy, I could practically hear her tongue hitting the roof of her mouth to pronounce certain words.

Her brother wasn't here this time. She lead me to her house, her whispering never pausing. She brushed past her parents, but I still waved. They smiled at me and offered me food but I politely declined.

Once we were in Billie's room, she slammed the door and threw her bookbag down, starting to pace the room. Her eyes were wide as she whispered to herself. I didn't know what to do, how to react. I just stood there and watched the girl I'd just became friends with unravel before me, her sanity seeming to slip with each whisper.

"Billie-" I tried, and as soon as her name left my lips, she screamed.

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