12 - The Truth

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Rye's pov ~

I was hanging out with Blake and I just couldn't stop staring at Nessa, she was talking to this girl.

I just couldn't stop looking at her beautiful hair and her beautiful eyes just the way she smiled and- I get snapped out of my thoughts by Blake waving infront of my face

"dude did you listen to anything I said?" he says annoyed

"sorry what was that?" I say embarassed

"you where looking at her weren't you?" he says to me raising an eyebrow

"no" I mumble

"really well why don't you tell her that" he says and she starts walking down the hall.

"what should I do?" I say to Blake as I panic

"complement her talk to her ask her if she wants to hang" Blake says slowly walking away

"hey Vanessa!" I shout over to her and she turns my way

"hey rye" she says to me with a smile

"so I was wondering if you maybe would want to, you know hang out or something" I say awkwardly

"well I have cheer on Friday and I was going to finish homework tomorrow" she says awkwardly.

"oh okay that's fine" I say and start to walk away but she grabs my arm.

"Friday night meet me on the roof at the cafe that's around the corner of my house" she whispers

"how do you have the keys for it?" I ask her confused

"my mum's sister works there and I have a spare pair or keys" she says with a smile

"okay as long as you're sure" I tell her

"yeah I'm sure" she says with a smile

"what happens if someone catches you?" I ask her

"I usually study on the roof, don't judge me. So I can probably get it free for us" she says

"ok" I say a with a smirk.

"actually today's Thursday so I will do my homework today and then we will hang out tomorrow" I she says to me

"okay" I say

"anyways I should probably get to class" she says to me pointing behind her.

"did the bell ring?" I ask her shocked

"yes" she laughs

"I must have been to distracted" I say with wink.

She giggles.

"bye" she says and turns around wale down the hallway.

Skip to after school

I went into the P.E Hall to grab some scrunchies that I left.

After I got them of the shelf the lights turned off. I turned around to be pushed back by Dylan.

"what the fuck!" I shout

"shh" he says harshly

"what are you doing?" I ask him nervously

"relax I'm not going to hurt you" he says getting closer to my face.

"just know that no one will know the truth, Rye is in fact using you, he wants to make you look bad then throw you away like he has done with every girl" he says

A feel a tear roll down my cheek

"hey don't cry" he says and trie to wipe away my tear but before he could I grabbed his wrist and twisted it

"ah you bitch!" he says as I run up to the door.

I run home and go start upstairs and stop myself from crying.

I texted Kit to tell her everything and she said she would beat the shit out of him.

I went downstairs after I gto my pajamas on to see my brother playing on the PlayStation with someone next to him.

"hey" I say confused

"hey Nessa me and rye are hanging out you wanna join" Theo asks me

after what Dylan told me, true or false I don't think I can act like I'm fine.

"no but I am going to take these cheetos" I say and take the whole bag.

I make my way upstairs and finish my homework. After I finish my homework I go to sleep.

The next day

I decided to take the day of school but still meet rye.

I wore this

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I wore this.

I just sat around all day not really doing anything.

Then I realised that I should probably go meet rye, so I slip on my shoes and walk downstairs.

"hey I will be back later on I am going to study" I say to my dad

"OK bye" my dad shouts from the Kitchen.

I make my way over to the cafe and I open the front door, I walk up to the roof and look at the view.

"hey" I hear someone say snapping my out of my thoughts.

"hey you" I smile and look to side to see rye.

"I missed you at school today, why did you not come?" he asks me confused

"I needed to think" I say looking in the  distance.

"I heard about what happened yesterday Kit told me" he says looking at me

"I want you know that I am not using you" he says serious

"you see its hard because you have barely told me anything about the situation" he says

"fine, if you want to know I will let you know but we don't tell anyone don't bring it up don't use this information" I say him seriously

"I promise" he says

We went downstairs from the roof and sat down at on of the tables

"so me and Dylan were together for about almost 3 years and he was my first everything, first boyfriend, first kiss, first person I had a crush on, my first time" I say then take a breath

"we where getting more serious in in relationship and well I didn't want to do something with him he got pretty pissed, this happened for quite a few weeks so our relationship got pretty toxic but I didn't know how to tell anyone, luckily he wasn't absuive he just threw things and broke stuff" I say trying not to cry

"he-he at one point got mad at me and leaked my nudes, but they weren't my nudes nor have a ever taken nudes or sent them" I say a tear rolling down my cheek but I quickly wipe it

"people believed him, then I got called names like slut, slag, etc" I say

"so you are kinda scared to be in relationship because this happened to you?" he says to him

"yeah, about also the whole thing of people who I thought I could trust bqckstabbed me. Take a guess who was my best friend" I say to him

"who?" he says curious

"maddie, we were best friends for a while she picked on Kit but after a while me and kit became friends. Maddie slept with Dylan the day we broke up so that's why I hate her too" I say with a sigh

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