The New Champion - Brendan X May

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The beautiful night sky loomed over the new champion and her best friend as they walked through the forest together. Whilst May was up ahead running through all the forest ground, enjoying every second of it. Brendan was walking rather slow behind her, looking down at the floor. There was something he couldn't get off his mind. Every time he thought about it, his face would go bright red and all his muscles would tense. His head moved up, he wanted to see what May was up to. Even though he already knew what she was doing, he just wanted to look at her once more.

She was still running around, giggling like a little schoolgirl. Instantly Brendan's face flushed red, his muscles began to tense. Immediately, he looked away. Breathing rather heavily. He always knew deep down about it, but never really admitted to it. He had developed feelings for his rival. He proceeds to try and calm himself down, slapping his cheeks to get rid of the blood which had rushed there.
"Brendan! This was our first battle was!" He heard her yell in excitement, despite the fact that she was screaming, it had a soft tone it. It was like cocaine for his ears every time he heard her speak.
"I-It sure i-is!" He stuttered slightly, now making eye contact with her. His face still a slight shade of red.

May turned to face Brendan "Is something up?" She asked, walking closer to him so they were now mere inches apart. "You're never really the type of guy to get flustered.." She added, she wasn't wrong of course. Hardly ever during their travels did Brendan get flustered. But he also seemed to get flustered around her during the last half of their journey together.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine" Brendan looked up and smiled, his hat bouncing slightly before beginning to slip off.
"Brendan... I've known you for the past... 2 months? I know when somethings off. So don't lie... Please" May whispered, looking into his blue eyes. If Brendan wasn't already flustered, boy was he flustered now. His entire face was coated in red, but he didn't break the gaze. After a few seconds of the two staring at eachother, Brendan spoke up.
"I'm gonna say something that might single-handedly strengthen or destroy our friendship. Are you cool with that?" He asked, his hands in his pocket. All May responded with was a slight nod, of course, she was worried about what he was going to say.
"Well," Brendan began, taking a deep breath "Here goes nothing. Ever since I met you, no matter what happened throughout our journey up until now. You have been in my head, everything about you made me feel like anything is possible. You've made me feel like I've done something in this world.." He explained, looking away from her.
"Brendan..." She whispered, a small amount of tears forming in her eyes.
"What I'm trying to say is... I really like you May!" He yelled out and instantly regretted it. His hat slipped off onto the floor as he quickly hid his face into his hands. His face getting redder and redder by the second.

"Brendan..." He heard her voice getting closer and closer by the second. "Look at me.." She whispered, crouching next to him. Slowly but surely, he removed his hands away from his face and turned to face her. As he did, he felt two hands clap his cheeks together before pulling pulled forward. His eyes were shut due to the sudden action, but he felt something warm pressed against his lips. Opening his eyes revealed May's lips pressed against his own. Before he could say or do anything, May leaned away from the kiss and winked.
"I guess that strengthened our friendship" she chuckled. "In all seriousness, I feel the same way. You've always been there supporting me and it just made me feel nice ya know" she smiled.

The cold night breeze blew past the two, Brendan's hat flapped in the wind but didn't blow away. Brendan reached for his hat but soon stopped as he felt May's arms wrap around him. After a bit, Brendan returned the hug. A slight smile on his face.
"Wanna try and battle the elite four together...?" May whispered in his ear, a smile resting on her adorable face.
"Sounds like a date..." Brendan smiled, running his hand up and down her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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