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scarlet walked through the grove wearing a tight lilac dress that would catch eyes. a bag hung around her shoulder and sunglasses sat on her nose. she continued to walk until she spotted who she wanted, zion kuwonu.

"watch it!" scarlet reacted as some one walked right into her knocking the sunglasses off her face. she bent down to pick them up but the guy beat her to it.

"i'm so sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going, you good?" the tall kid with dreads asked her, zion kuwonu, second target.

"no, no it's completely fine, sorry i reacted rudely" scarlet smiled innocently while she played with the glasses in her hand.

"i'm zion" he held out his hand for her to shake.

"scarlet" she smiled back at him meeting his hand.

"you maybe want to grab a bite some time?" zion asked her still holding her hand.

"yeah i'd like that" scarlet innocently smiled at him.

"how bout right now" zion suggested.

"i'm not busy" but what scarlet really wanted to say was perfect, zion was doing her job for him. zion and scarlet walked through the grove to find a place where they both would like to eat, surprisingly not inviting his friends who were also at the grove to come.

"how about cheesecake?" scarlet pointed to the restaurant and zion nodded. scarlet entered the building with zion right behind her and got seated immediately which never happened here. they sat down in a nicely lit booth right by the window.

"once again sorry i ran into you" zion apologized.

"i mean if you think about it it's a good thing, if you didn't we wouldn't be here" scarlet smiled at the shy kid.

"ya you right, so where you from?" zion asked while looking at the menu.

"im from denver, and you?" scarlet replied.

"im from canada"

"oh my gosh i love canada!" scarlet reacted.

"really, where have you visited?" zion asked genuinely excited.

"well, toranto, vancouver, banff, montreal, and quebec." zions jaw dropped at how much traveling the girl has done.

"where else have you traveled?"

"umm the maldives, hawaii, bora bora, santorini, tahiti, italy, madrid, paris, and more but i can't really remember off the top of my head." scarlet admires zions shocked face, he was definitely cute "enough about me what about you, what do you do for a living?"

"i actually sing" he said shyly.

"that's so cool, i wish i could sing"

"and you ms. traveler, what do you do for a job?" zion slightly leaned in closer to her across the table.

"well, mr.singer boy, i'm an artist" she copied his movements by moving in closer.

"ohh that's sick, do you have pictures?" zion asked curiously. in his head he thought about how perfect they were in a way, both artists. zion watched scarlett pull out her iphone from her bag and scroll through her pictures.

"here's some of my work" scarlett handed him her phone. zion scrolled through scarletts portfolio amazed by her art, she was not only amazing at painting but photography and drawing as well.

"this is dope" zion said got lost in a daze of her art.

"you should come by my studio some time, you can see it in person" scarlett smiles at him accepting her phone back from zion "but right now it's your turn to show me your music"

"ight" zion smiled pulling his phone out and picked one of their songs that was his favorite.

but i'm lying when i talk to you
cause your lying under some one new

"i vibe with this" scarlett nodded along to the song "damn you even got lil tjay on it?" scarlett said shocked handing back zions phone.

"yeah" zion nodded shyly.

"hi my name is andrew i'll be your server today what can i get you for drinks to start?" the server asked and they both decided to order their food then. after they finished eating the two of them walked around the grove together. zion was really digging on scar, his new nickname for her.

"so when are you free again?" zion asked scar as they walked through the beautifully lit grove.

"i'm free friday and saturday" scarlett smiled up at him as they walked around aimlessly.

"i'll text you then so we can link" zion said pulling out his phone "fuck my friends are leaving and they are my ride, give me your number?"

"yeah" scarlett took zions phone from him and entered her number handing it back to him. zion sent her a quickly smiley face sending her his number.

"i'll see you soon" zion smiled at her turning around and ran in the other direction.

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