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flash forward 5 months
scarlett and zion laid together in zions bed, zions arms wrapped around scarlett playing fortnite and brinn cuddling into zion on her phone, both just enjoying each others company. edwin ran up the stairs entering zions room.

"hey z we gotta hop on a call with david" edwin tapped on the door frame. zion stoped mid game turning it off and hopped up from bed.

"it'll be quick" zion said to brinn and edwin proceeded to go back downstairs. zion bent down placing a kiss on scarletts forehead.

"mhm k" scarlett replied. zion left the room heading downstairs where all the guys sat in the living room around the phone. scarlett sat up from the bed and casually began to snoop around looking over anything that look suspicious. after not finding anything that stood out she entered the hallway and made her way down the hall to the very end where edwins office sat. scarlett turned the handle quietly but it was locked.

"i better find something" she whispered under her breath and pulled a bobby pin from her hair. she fiddled with the pin until she heard a small click and the handle moved freely. a small smile curved onto her lips and she opened the door and entered quietly. she looked around quietly seeing a few file cabinets, a desk with two computers and a safe in the closet. scarlett began with the safe, knowing it would be locked already and it was. she moved onto the computer seeing it was password protected.

"what would his password be?" scarlett thought out loud to herself. she thought back to everything she had learned about edwin, his hometown, his family, even hobbies but nothing worked. but then she realized something, what the hell would he have in those file cabinets. scarlett stood up opening every drawer, six in total seeing each was filled to the max.

"your secret has to be in here somewhere" scarlett whispered to herself looking through the first drawer of files. she opened a few folders seeing it was just the guys taxes and moved on. the next seeing it was edwins credit card and bank statements. she opened the next drawer and heard clanging as if something feel inbetween the cabinets. she tried to look as best she could and saw a small gold key resting on the floor.

"got you" scarlett said squeezing her hands between the two units and grabbing the small key. she moved onto the other file cabinet trying the drawers until she felt the last one was locked. she unlocked the drawer seeing it was also filled with files. she grabbed the first file, labeled nyc.

"nyc" scarlett read to herself she opened the file to see blueprints, sketches, and lists about what they needed to pull off their heist at the bank. scarletts eyes went wide seeing the multiple other files that were hit they planned to carry out on their next tour.

"thank you we really appreciate it" brandons voice was heard faintly from down stairs clearly wrapping up the call. brinn put the files back closed all the drawers and put the key back from where it fell.

"aye boys we going on tour" edwin announced loudly making all the guys cheer, letting scarlett know she didn't have much time left. she went over to the safe again closing the door to its original position and pushed in the office chair. she heard foot steps coming from downstairs and she quickly locked the office door.

"aye where did scarlett go?" zion walked into his bedroom confused looking at an empty bed. zion looked around the upstairs knowing he didn't see her come down the stairs during the call. zion paused after checking all the rooms and looked at the office door. zion tried the handle and it was still locked confusing him even more to where she could've gone.

scarlett quickly slid through the door to the connecting hall bathroom from the office making sure to lock that door behind her. she leaned against the door with a sigh of relief that she didn't get caught.

"scar?" zion called out when his phone rang from a text from her. zion read it and walked into the hall bathroom seeing her sitting on the sink.

"so did you just not want to answer when you most definitely heard me looking for you?" zion rose his brows at scarlett closing the door to the bathroom behind him.

"a little hide and seek is always fun" scarlett smiled and pulled zion in by his neck.

"why you hidin in the bathroom?" zion laughed slightly at her resting his hands on both sides of her.

"bathrooms a great place to chill" scarlett smiled and pulled zion in for a kiss.

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