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a few months later

"fuck you mean!?" zion yelled at nick through his ear piece.

"nick" brinn said wearily standing against the wall in a stall of a random bathroom she slipped into.

"what i mean is im stuck in a fucking movie scene!" nick yelled panicking. what brinn and zion couldn't understand as they were tucked into side rooms of the building they were in (that they were not supposed to be in), was nick was standing in a hallway which had floor tiles and every time he stepped on the wrong one a trap would try and kill him. such as the arrow that had just hit at his head but he luckily ducked and the knife that flew down from the ceiling that he also luckily missed.

"i'm gonna die, this is it, it was fun guys" nick panicked some more knowing there wasn't any easy way out of this situation.

"nick" brinn said trying to calm him down "take the steps that you took to get into the hallway to get out"

"that would work if i wasn't halfway through the hallway!" nick yelled at brinn.

"how the fuck did you make it halfway!?" zion yelled confused.

"i guess i got lucky!" nick yelled back.

"guys shut the fuck i'm trying to get nick out" edwin yelled at everyone as he typed ferociously on his keyboard to try and get the updated blue prints of the building.

"is he coming?" brandon asked nervously waiting for nick who was the last one to get back to the van.

"yeah he is" edwin nodded and they all store at the van door waiting for it to open.

"im going to kill you edwin" nick said monotoned with a scary look in his eye. there was a huge slash on his forehead and a rip in his shirt.

"what the hell happened?" brinn looked at nick with wide eyes.

"edwin is what happened" nick closed the van door behind him "i got hit in the head with a fucking boulder and then my shirt got caught on an arrow that had just missed my heart" nick leaned toward edwin with his hands out to grab his neck but zion and austin held him back before he could reach him.

"roughed up aren't we?" grant laughed as the six of them walked into his office particularly eyeing nick.

"i wouldn't laugh if i were you" edwin warned grant for the previous events in the van.

"well, did you get what we needed?" grant asked calming his laughter.

"here you are" edwin handed grant the small black book and hard drive that went with it.

"you guys are brilliant" grant smiled and took the treasures.

"mhm" nick said sassily eyeing edwin.

"it's not 100% my fault!" edwin said in his defense.

"guys come one let's go" austin separated the two of them as they all walked out of the room.

"you wanna grab food before we go back to the house?" zion asked brinn who he had his arm wrapped around.

"no i want to see zuri before she goes to bed" brinn shook her head and zion agreed. as the exited the front door of the building the all said their goodbyes and went to their own homes in none other than los angeles california.

"we get hired again?" edwin asked confused as they all gathered back to the offices in la where they previously met to get the files for grant.

"actually, we've gotten a deal" brinn said and they all looked at her shock, except zion of course.

"from grant?" nick asked.

"kinda, it's from the fbi" brinn replied making edwins eyes practically fall from his face.

"are you sure this isn't some type of set up?" nick looked at her like it was too good to be true.

"i trust grant and the guy who got it for us. i also know that grant has enough power to do something like this so yeah, it's real" brinn replied and continued to explain the details leaving everyone still in shock.

"it's all or nothing" brinn nodded "if one of y'all doesn't want to we won't" brinn said reassuringly not wanting anyone to feel pressured into such a big decision.

the justice league as edwin liked to call them, which everyone else opposed stood in front of a neighborhood of houses. there were 4 houses, all similar but unique in their own ways. zion, brinn, and zuris house was on the right on the cal de sac painting a pristine light grey, next was brandon and maggie's house, painting a navy blue with the prettiest grey accents. next was edwin and nicks shared house painted a simple white and lastly austin and ansleys house painted a nice grey color.

"we're home boys" nick announced and began to walk towards him and edwins house. everyone else smiled and began to walk to their houses as well. the houses were just one benefit to the deal they took, although it wasn't the deal they discussed.

"so you guys want a deal but not with the fbi?" grant looked at all of them confused.

"we decided that we didn't want to work with the fbi because what type of criminals would that make us?" edwin explains briefly to grant.

"we want to create a similar hiring buisness like we'd have with the fbi with you, and the help from the fbi supplying the cases and what not" brinn started.

"i like it" grant nodded "i'll talk to chris" grant said making everyone smile.

"feels good to not run anymore" brandon sighed looking around the night sky at the stars.

"agreed" everyone answered.

"i miss mexico though" brinn admitted holding a sleeping zuri in her lap.

"and i miss working construction" nick said mockingly making everyone laugh.

"i can't believe people actually continued to listen to our music after us just disappearing and magically coming back" austin laughed.

"they loyal loyal" edwin nodded.

"hey i'm gonna go out zuri down" brinn whispered to zion and stood up.

"alright" zion nodded and grabbed brinns drink to hold it for her. brinn walked into brandon and maggie's house which they were all at having a fire and went to the living room. brinn placed zuri on the couch and pulled a blanket on top of her making her cuddle the blanket immediately. brinn smiled down at her when she heard her phone buzz. she looked down at the screen to see the text show up. brinn walked outside holding up her phone to see the others looking at their phones as well.

"duty calls" brinn announced.

"let's go boys" nick stood up from his chair chugging the rest of his drink. the six of them hopped in their cars and headed off to the offices in down town la. they liked to call it the walmart pentagon, but it had
everything and anything they could imagine to pull off the perfect heist. thanks to the deal they worked out with chris and grant, grant now ran this as a full time business and sold he deeds to his father business to another trust worthy oil competitor of theirs.

"i know it's late but we've got a big heist" grant informed them as they sat around a round table "i introduce you to the fbi head quarters"

the end

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