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two days later

"who wants breakfast" nick yelled from the living room through the whole house. edwin had been in the studio and walked out figuring nick had made something. brandon austin and scar had walked down from upstairs, zion being in the shower

"i do" austin said hungry.

"sick who wants to go pick up something?" nick looked around at everyone. all their faces had gone straight.

"seriously you called us down to ask us if wed go get you something" brandon rolled his eyes.

"not me, us" nick replied smilling and everyone groaned "come on guys"

"fine ill go" scarlett grabbed zions keys from the counter "bagels?" scarlett suggested and they all agreed. she walked out of the house taking in the fresh air immediately feeling refreshed. she hopped in the car starting it and began to drive off.

"whats that sound?" edwin looked at nick confused. austin who had already been at the window shook with fear.

"guys" austin looked up at the large chopper that approached their house. the vibrations from the  chopper could be felt and heard from a mile away.

"yo we gotta go" zion who had seen the chopper from his own room rushed downstairs.

"how the fuck we gonna leave scarlett took the car!" nick yelled.

"fuck" they all yelled. edwin opened the front door and ran out to the driveway and they all followed looking up at the chopper that hovered over their house. zions black car had sped up to their house and stopped short in from if their driveway revealing Scarlett in the drivers seat. they all store at her blankly.

"i said get in the fucking car" scarlett yelled at them as the prettymuch guys stood in their driveway looking up at the choppers surrounding their house. the boys hesitated but quickly got into the car. as the doors slammed shut scarlett slammed on the gas accelerating them forward.

"scar you shouldnt have got involved now your now an accomplice" zion said from the backseat holding on for dear life as scarlett swerved around traffic.

"something tells me she's done this before" edwin commented as he held onto his seatbelt. he watched scarletts driving he knew she had to have some practice.

"shut up while i loose this chopper" scarlett yelled at them leaning forward looking through the windshield at the chopper that hovered over them. in minutes she knew there would be men on the ground chasing after her, more importantly she knew it would be her partner.

"don't fucking head for the tunnel" nick yelled from the backseat convinced they would get stuck in it.

"shut up" scarlett replied. she drove into the tunnel and drove right onto the back of a double deck tow truck. the tow truck continued to drive as scarlett put her car in park.

"once we exit the tunnel we will be dropped off and supplied with a clean car to help us get out of the city. we're going somewhere, not even i know. we will be safe, i'll explain when we're clear. in the mean time put these on" scarlett explained to them and handed them all hats and glasses and backpacks to camouflage them as tourists. the boys followed her instructions putting in the disguises. the tow truck began to exit the tunnel passing the cops and leaving the chopper behind. they drove about four miles from the tunnel stopping under a secluded bridge. the men from the front of the truck lowered another car from the truck and unwrapped its black outside revealing a white car.

"get in" scarlett instructed and they all hopped in.

"so you do this often?" nick asked curiously.

"i said i would explain later" scarlett said not turning around.

"how do you know what we do?" nick asked once again.

"make him shut up or i'll leave you guys out to dry" scarlett spoke harshly looking at the guys in the back through the rear view mirror. zion punched nicks arm whisper shouting something to him and making him shut up. after a twenty minute drive they arrived at a farm ranch with acres of land behind it.

"what are we doing here?" edwin asked looking at the house.

"leaving" scarlett replied and walked straight to the backyard revealing a runway and a private jet.

"they will know they track air traffic" austin said hesitantly.

"not this one" scarlett replied pulling off her sunglasses and hat. scarlett boarded the jet with the guys following confused but also in awe.

"are we ready norman?" scarlett asked going into the pilots pit.

"ready when you are" norman smiled at scarlett.

"then let's go" scarlett smiled at him and walked back out to where the guys were.

"care to explain now?" nick asked sassily. scarlett rolled her eyes at nick and sat down next to zion, but not to close because of what she was about to say.

"i'm a cop" scarlett said.

"WHAT!?" edwin screamed jumping up

"OH HELL NAW" nick screamed as well while austin brandon and zion sat there silently with their jaws dropped.

"let me explain, my name isn't scarlett it's brinn marley. i'm a detective. we connected you guys to the robbery through devens"

"hold up but devens is dead" brandon said confused.

"dead but not a dead end" scarlett continued "my jobs was to go undercover, get close enough to find rock hard evidence and then bust you guys. but i got too close" scarlett paused and looked up at zion who refused to look at her "once i got close enough i bugged your computer giving them access to everything, your plans, your hacking, the blueprints, the footage, it was more than enough to give you all life in prison. i got the call to move in, but i couldn't. i couldn't do that to people who treated me like family, even if it was scarlett not brinn. my old partner max, he always had a way out just in case something went bad. these guys, they aren't my men, they were maxs but after he died he ordered them to stay dormant until i needed them"

"so your a dirty cop?" brandon asked confused.

"i am now" scarlett laughed for herself "because i couldn't fucking do my job" she shook her head "now i'm on the run with you guys. i don't care what you think because i am- was a cop but i'm now one of you."

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