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"so it was all a fucking lie!? all my love and energy for nothing! for it to come down right in front of me! is that what you wanted!?" zion screamed at brinn. tears ran down both of their faces as they argued in the small cabin the the back of the plane.

"that's what you don't get it wasn't fake! you fell in love with me i fell in love with you!" brinn yelled back.

"no i don't think i did i fell in love with scarlett not brinn. and she was just one of your stupid games!" zion screamed. the other four guys sat in the main cabin hearing everything crystal clear but they did their best ignoring it.

"how much longer do you think it will go in for?" brandon asked curiously about the hour long argument that had been taking place.

"i don't know" edwin replied playing with the drawstrings of his pants.

"fuck you fuck everything! i gave my everything to you scarlett- brinn- who ever the fuck you are!" zion screamed furiously.

"zion it's not like that! i'm the same person just a different name!" brinn sobbed.

"and a different home town, job, and life!" zion yelled back "i'm fucking done don't talk to me don't touch me don't even look at me. you disgust me" zion spat opening the door and the slamming it shut as he left. brinn just lowered her head into her hands crying even more tears then before.

"you good?" austin asked zion as he walked back out sitting down with the guys acting like nothing happened.

"are you sure?" austin asked again.

"i'm fine" zion snapped. the cabin door opened again and brinn walked out sniffling and with red puffy eyes. she sat down away from all the guys and just looked out the window. brandon got up and followed brinn sitting across from her.

"you good scar- i mean brinn?" brandon asked correcting himself "that's going to take a minute to adjust to" he laughed quietly.

"i'm good" brinn replied giving him a soft smile making tears crawl to her waterline once again.

"he can be tough, give him time" brandon reached over grabbing her hand. brinn gave him a small nod avoiding eye contact so tears wouldn't fall "i'm here for you" brandon whispered getting up and taking his previous seat.

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