Ok guys here is the 1st part hope you like it 🙏
Part 1
Naira's pov
I'm Naira Singhania I'm 18yrs old, my life I've not wanted for anything, I come from a rich family, some say I'm a spoilt brat, but those people are just jealous of my lifestyle there is nothing I can do about that. Im bold and speak my mind and if I have my heart set on something I go after it despite anyone or anything. I love partying and coming home late that is me most nights. Then something happen to me I didnt think nor do I believe in love. But yes I unfortunately fell for a boy, I fell hard in love.
Atleast it was that way for me.. i let myself engage in a physical relationship with
Kartik and one night I got pregnant I know stupid that he didnt wear a condom and I didn't even think to suggest it because he said we have done it many times with and sometimes without it... but this time I fell pregnant, i didn't want the baby, he didnt want to know.But my mum she didn't let me terminate my pregnancy and because i was under age I wasn't allowed to without parental consent and Blah blah, so I had the baby a little girl.. one look at her and I fell in love right? Wrong I just didn't want this baby I'm only 17yrs she ruined my life! But more she is his reminder of betrayal.. I tried to love her, even when I breast fed i didn't feel the connection. Don't get me wrong my baby is the cutest in the world..but I don't feel like her mumma.
1st week of coming home with baby Kiara.
"I'm going out" I said, Mumma looked at me.
"Naira you are a mum now you can't just come drunk everyday!" She scolded me.
"My life, and you wanted me to have this baby remember!" I yelled slamming the door.
Yes I didn't want to lose on my freedom but then some days I would actually enjoy taking care of her and try to be a mum, until the next party call.. now Kiara is almost 1 yrs old mumma does everything for her, she must think she is her mum only and I'm just the feeding nurse. Well it is what it is.. I know I sound like the worst mum in the world but I wasn't always this tough but I've had to be..
July 12th mumma birthday party.
"Here hold her" mum gave me her..I dressed her in a dress like mine.. she looks so much like her papa a constant reminder but it's ok because he isn't relevant anymore he is in US the last I heard..
My friends arrived a few girls and 2 guys.. mumma knew it's all about my friends these days, I gave her Kiara. "Where are you going guest are arriving"
"Yeah..fine I'll just come..come guys terrace pe" Mum just rolled her eyes.. I went and had some soft drinks with my friends.. thats right NO alcohol because I'm breastfeeding I'm not a total bitch..
"So mumma Naira"
"I'll break your face if you make mum jokes around me" she said to Sagar..
"Chill girl but your baby is cute"
"Hogi na, mumma kon hai iski" they all laughed. I was feeling anxious my mumma knew why."Why did you invite them?? I told you I never want to see them" mum invited Kartik's parents to our house.. her excuse was before he is Kiara's papa his mum and dad are family friends.
"Naira it's in the past get over it..it's the first time in a long time so please don't ruin my birthday"
"Well I don't want my baby around them" I took her from mumma.
"so now you want to play her mumma" I rolled my eyes at her dumb comment.
"Mumma you promise me you will not disclose that this is their grandchild, think if they come to know you will lose her"
"I'm not stupid Naira itni to akal hai" thank God I know she wouldn't because the baby is precious to her..
"Kartik when will you tell him, I mean now you both have moved on as you keep saying"
Seriously mumma thinks i will tell him anything hahaha as if he doesn't deserve it.
"Yes one day when she is older I will tell her..right now I won't ever anyways his parents are coming so what does it matter!" Mum just agreed luckily. Ok so mumma is holding Kiara more guests are arriving I can see so many of mumma's friends.
"Wait that's not manish and Suvarna, oh shit what is he here doing here he isn't invited! Yes Kartik just arrived but why, I'm fine seeing him totally unaffected he is just a bad memory I want to forget. I can just stay up here no need to meet and greet but who is this person with him who is she, why do I care even!" Kartik your mum and dad didn't come.."
Kartik pov
I'm Kartik Goenka, I'm a easy go guy, i just came back from US after finishing my studies and just now I'm working in my papa's business, and also got engaged due to my dadi's wishes although I don't love her I'm not interested.
"Nai aunty just us" I was about introduced aunty to my fiance. But someone brought a baby to her.. a very cute baby
"Yeh kaun" I said holding her little hand..
"My niece's daughter. "Very cute" said Vedika.
"Hmm.." aunty said the baby smiled at me.. I asked to hold her but aunty didnt seem very keen.. that's odd but then again I'm a stranger to her and we have a history I was dating her daughter Naira it didnt end well.. last I heard she went to study abroad.Naira:
Mumma is actually talking with him?? I raced to her keeping myself hidden..I asked her who that girl was I came to know she is Kartik fiance I wanted to laugh out loud! Seriously he is marrying someone. I actually don't care infact..Kartik:
I just saw her, yes Naira she is here.. well good for her..she getting on with life laughing with her friends. Shall I go say hi? Someone came and gave her the baby.. I saw her nod and kiss the baby..even they are twinning..Vedika came and asked me something. In that time when I went to see Naira I couldn't see her.. because she was infront of me.Naira:
Congratulations I heard the news so when is the wedding... I said looking at him with total confidence that it didn't bother me.. and it really didnt!'Naira how are you?" He asked me.. vedika smiled saying sometime in Sept.. I'm fine thanks.. Sept that's great so you guys met in US I asked.. Kartik said no.. and didnt really answer.. ok well good catching up.. I went off.. Even though I was acting like I'm fine I was not..he was looking damn hot in that shirt and Jean's and his face uff, those lips I just want to kiss all night.. what am I saying shut up Naira control..
She always looks pretty in dresses, and her open hair use to drive me wild,but now I don't feel that way..I can't forget the way she treated me that day.Naira
I was holding my daughter in the air and kissing her cheek and touching her nose to mine,we both look cute twining haina baby..we both wore a black dress with polkadot. I could feel like I was being watched off course.." what is it Kartik you want ask something? I turned to him holding the baby.
Bolo I haven't got all day!" My raised voice made Kiara cry..
I'll make it easy.. I held Kiara to him.. "lo Kartik apni beti ko sambhalo" yes I made a bold move I want to hurt him!Tbc
Naira pins Kartik to the wall.