Chapter Thirty Two

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"First Dart, now Natasha?" Dustin spoke as they walked up to the same junk yard Natasha was at a year ago

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"First Dart, now Natasha?" Dustin spoke as they walked up to the same junk yard Natasha was at a year ago. "What are we going to do?"

"Yeah, this will do," Steve ignored the boy. "Good job."

"Steve stop ignoring me."

"You've been going on about this for an hour, Dustin! I don't know what to do, okay? She's- she's a strong girl she'll find the trail and follow us." Steve's voice cracked.

"Steve... What if Dart gets her first?" Dustin asked slowly, and tears clouded Steve's eyes.

"I don't- I don't know! Okay? I don't want her out there either but there's not much I can do! We don't even know when we lost her!" Steve sighed, dumping his bucket out next to Dustin's. "She's got something going on with her, too. You think I want her out there with that knowing she's dealing with stuff?"

"So you're just going to let her possibly di-"

"I said medium-well!" The sound of Lucas' voice was heard, and the two looked over to see Lucas, Max, Adeya and Alexis.

"Who's that?" He motioned to the red head, who began walking their way with the others. Dustin had a disappointed look on his face, and he pulled Lucas to the side which left Steve with the girls.

"Where's Natasha?" Adeya immediately asked.

"W-what?" He stuttered.

"She's always with you. Sharon said you would be together, she wanted me to tell Tash that she's okay. Where is she?" The brunette questioned.

"She um, she-"

"We can talk about this later, alright?" Max asked. She knew something was wrong by the way the boy was acting, so decided to cut in. It wasn't long before they were all helping, Dustin and Lucas hiding behind a car.

After having enough, Steve walked up and hit the piece of metal against the car, scaring them both. "Hey, Dickheads! How come the only ones helping me out are these three random girls? We lose light in forty minutes, let's go!" He began to walk away, turning back to them. "I said let's go."

"You know, you're so worried about getting this finished before losing light but aren't worried about the fact that you lost Natasha in the woods!" Dustin called after him.

"Excuse me, what?!" Adeya exclaimed, dropping her metal on the ground.

"You did what now?" Lucas asked, looking at Steve.

"Oh come on, it wasn't just me! Dustin lost her too." Steve whined, "She's an independent woman, she knows how to find us."

"I definitely don't wish I ever have a boyfriend like you," Adeya scoffed.

"What?" Steve asked. "No, we're- we're not dating."

"Steve's right," Alexis rolled her eyes. "Nobody cares about Natasha right now."

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