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Quick note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for checking this story out, although I have some (bad? good? idk) news. I AM COMPLETELY REWRITING THIS STORY! I started writing this in like 2019ish, loving the idea that my first finished fanfiction on here was going to be about Steve Harrington. I loved the idea I had, the way I had it all going, but after previously rereading it in the past week or two due to wanting to see what ideas I could add for the sequel, I realized I absolutely hate this story. Things didn't make sense, there were WAY too many plot holes compared to the usual story, and especially toward the end I rushed it. I didn't give it the justice it deserved, and I think it's because I was spending so much time on it that by the time it came toward the end of the story I was more focused on just getting it out and finished than taking my time on it. Not to mention, I was more worried about updating constantly and so frequently that I made it more about getting the updates out than the actual contents in the story.

All that being said, feel free to continue reading this if you'd like. I'm keeping it up, although I'm not sure for how long. I plan on having at least 2 books to this series still, just like I had originally planned for this. The sequel will make more sense if you read the other story first though, as even though I'm keeping (most) of the characters, I will be adding scenes, possibly taking away scenes, and changing certain details. Of course, don't feel obligated to read it. I can get the frustration of having to restart a new story with the same plot/characters/etc. I just feel like I failed as an author and didn't do well enough on my part by not focusing on the writing itself and more of getting chapters out frequently.

If you've read all this, thank you. If you plan on continuing to read this version, thank you. I don't hate it to the point to where I never want anyone to read it again. I think it's okay, it just could have been way better and I've also matured in my writing and in other aspects to the point to where I think I could have done it better. And I want it to be better, especially if I'm going to work on a sequel and have Natasha's storyline go onto seasons 4 and 5. If you plan on reading this version AND the new version, thank you x100!! Again, don't feel obligated. I'll be fine either way :)

Thank you for reading this, and if you plan to read on, enjoy the story!



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