Let Me Make It Up To You

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The next morning, I woke up earlier than everyone else so I could go take a shower. I wanted to take one after capture the flag but I was way too tired to. Then I decided to take one after training but I ended up going to bed. And now here I am.

I guess I wasn’t the only one with that thought because when I entered the shower room, Tris was there too.

After I got out of my well desired shower twenty minutes later, I put on my black leggings and tank top for training.

“Crap,” Tris said from behind her shower curtain. “My pants are too small.”

I tried to retain a laugh. “Oh, well do you want me to go get another pair for you?” I asked, drying my hair with the hairdryer.

“No, that’s okay, I can go get them.” She said as she got out of her shower with a towel covering her small body.

“Alright,” I shrugged before continuing to dry my hair.

I had just finished drying my hair when all of the sudden, the door burst open and soon slammed shut as a girl rested her back against it.

That girl to be Tris but never would I have expected her to be naked with only her dress in her hands.

“Holy shit, Tris, what happened?” I asked, turning from the mirror and facing the wall to leave her some privacy.

She gasped and I suspect that she thought I would already be gone by now. She soon recovered from her shock though. “Oh, I don’t know,” she sniffed so I’m guessing she was crying. “Why don’t you ask your boyfriend?”

“What?” I asked in disbelief. It took everything in me not to turn around to see if she was lying to me.

“You heard me, your dick of a boyfriend ripped my towel off me when I went to go and get my clothes.” Her voice was strained, like she was trying her hardest not to cry.

I felt my rage bubbling up inside me. “Was there anyone else in the dorm when that happened?” I asked through clenched teeth.

“Yeah, there was Molly and Drew.” She answered after a small moment of silence.

Without another word exchanged, I pushed Tris out of the way, opened the bathroom door and rushed towards the dorm.

Before opening the door, I tried to calm myself down. I took three deep breaths and finally opened the door with the most sincere smile I could muster.

“Did you guys see Tris?” I asked with fake amusement.

“You saw her?” Molly asked, a short laugh escaping her lips.

“Yeah, I was in the bathroom when she just barged in naked.” I looked at the three people standing in the dorm with me. “Do you know who did it?”

“It was my idea,” Drew spoke up with a proud smile. “But it was Peter who ripped the towel off of her.”

My eyes moved from Drew to Peter and my smile disappeared immediately. “You dick.” I snapped as I brought my hand across Peter’s cheek. “How could you do that to me?” I screamed.

Peter looked flabbergasted at what I had just done. He looked at his two friends who just stood there, staring at me in shock.

Though I kept my eyes on Peter. “Are you that desperate as to rip off Tris’ towel just for the kicks of it?”

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