Chapter 37

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The next day, Lea and Bri were sitting on Lea's front porch swing, talking about the date.

"So, Ivan shows up," said Lea, "drunk as a skunk in a trunk, the little punk."

Bri snickered.

"And, he starts asking me to go back to his place for sex."


"Yeah, I know, and what really pissed me off was how he insulted Sméagol, calling him a shriveled up midget, and trying to imply that he wasn't a real man."

"What a dick!"

"Oh, I wanted to punch him when he said that."

"I'll bet."

"So, I say no. I don't wanna have sex with him. He gets mad, grabs my arm, and tries to drag me to his car."

Bri gasped. "Oh, Honey! That had to be really scary. I'm so sorry."

"It was."

"Sounds like your date was ruined."

"Actually... it was the best night of my life."

"Really?" Bri said, surprised.

"Yep, because Gollum comes out, kicks him in the nutsack, and knocks him flat on his ass."

"Ooohhh, nice!" Bri laughed.

"Then, we went to Ike's, and when we were dancing together, I looked into his eyes. Right then, I knew that everything would be okay. You know, I normally can't see people's facial expressions, especially in low-lighting, but I could see Sméagol's eyes. I knew what he was trying to say to me when he gave me that look, that he would always protect me and accept me and love me, and I felt all my pain and heartache disappear. I felt reborn."

"Awwwww," Bri sighed, "that is so sweet."

"Then, we sang a duet together, and it was magical. Singing with him, I felt like I had finally found the missing voice in my life. The way he sang, it sounded so... I don't know how to describe it, but it was beautiful. I could hear and feel the love radiating from his voice. Then, we came back here, and we were sitting right here when..."

"When what?"

Lea smiled brightly again. "He kissed me."

Bri gasped. "He did? Ohh, how was it?"

"It was... incredible. It was soft and slow... and so sweet. It took my breath away, Bri. I've never been kissed like that before."

"Awwwww," Bri swooned.

"I could tell he genuinely loved me... so I told him that I love him."

"And, what did he say?"

"He started crying, and told me he loved me, too."

"He was crying?"

"No, he was sobbing." Lea teared up a bit thinking about it. "I have never gotten that reaction from any guy before, Bri. It was so beautiful."

"Awwwwww!" Bri cried.

"He takes my breath away, Bri. I just... God, I love him so much, so freaking much."

"And, he loves you, too. Honey, that's awesome. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Bri. You know, I have you to thank for it."


"Yeah. If you didn't suggest I go to the JamFam, I never would've met him. You made another dream come true."

"Another dream?"

"Yeah. The first one was, well, ever since I was little, I always wanted a big sister. Then, you came along, and you were everything I ever wanted and needed in a big sis."

"Awwww, Lea, you're gonna make me cry!"

"And, now, I found real love, because of you."

Bri hugged her friend. "I love you so much!" she cried.

"I freaking love you, too," said Lea. "You're the best."

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