Chapter 77

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The next day, like every Saturday, was JamFam Night. Everyone in the group performed songs of empowerment, and shared the stories of what the song meant to them.

"Okay, Lea," said Bri. "You ready?"

"Yep." Lea walked up to the karaoke machine, and took hold of the mic. "So, I was recently humiliated by my worst bully, someone who used to be a friend of mine. I was on a date with Sméagol, and she comes up to me, starts tearing into me again, and then, rips my wig off in front of everyone."

"What the hell?" Rachel scoffed.

"It was humiliating, and it really hurt me." Lea began to get emotional. "But, I looked her in the eye, and told her about my cancer. Then, I told her exactly how she made me feel, and the amount of support I got from people in that restaurant was... mind-blowing and empowering. I decided that I was done letting people tear me down. Now, I know I'm not the horrible person people have made me out to be in the past, and I deserve better. So, I've been singing this song for years, trying so hard to believe the words could be true about me. Tonight, I finally can. This is my cover of 'Skyscraper' by Demi Lovato."

Damian turned on the music, and Lea sang her heart out. All of the anger, resentment, hurt, humiliation, and all her pain poured out in her performance. By the time she finished, she was not the only one in tears.

Everyone cheered and applauded loudly as she headed back to her seat next to Sméagol.

"That was amazing, Lea!" said Austin. "Made me feel inspired to stand up to my bully, my ex-best friend."

"Do it," said Alyssa. "Don't take any more shit from him. You deserve so much better."

"All of you deserves better," said Sméagol. "You've been through so much. It breaks my heart. None of you deserves the pain you've been put through. You deserves love and joy and... and friendship... and nothing less."

"Aww, Sméagol, you're so sweet," said Bri, "and you're so right. Everyone here deserves better than what we've been dealt. Do you have a song you wanna share?"

"Yes." Sméagol took his place in front of the karaoke machine, and picked up the mic. "This is for everyone here. No matter what you go through, no matter what people says to you, never forget that you are so loved. I loves you all very much, and I will always be there for each of you whenever you needs me. Don't ever give up, because you are all very precious."

Aini accompanied him on the piano for a beautiful, heartwarming, haunting rendition of "You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)" by Josh Groban. As he sang, he walked around the room, giving everyone a big hug. However, even though he believed every word for everyone else, he still could not bring himself to believe it could be true about him. He still didn't feel that he deserved the love and happiness he had been granted. He couldn't forgive himself for everything he had done, and everyone could see the guilt, shame, and sadness in his eyes. When he finished, they all applauded loudly as he headed back to his seat, and put his arm back around Lea.

"You know, Sméagol," said Bri, "you deserve good things, too."

Sméagol was confused.

"I can tell you still feel like a piece of shit for everything that happened back home."

Sméagol nodded.

"You need to forgive yourself, Sweetie."

"I don't deserves forgiveness, Precious," Sméagol sniffled.

"Yes, you do."

"No. What I did was unforgivable."

"But, none of it was your fault," said Alyssa.

"You didn't have a choice," said Aini. "You were immediately sucked in the minute the ring was found, and it made you do all those horrible things. It's force was too powerful. You would never have done any of it if not for that ring."

"How does it know that?" Sméagol wept.

"Because, I know you, Sméagol. You're not the kind of person who would ever hurt anyone, and you know what? The same goes for Gollum. If he existed before it all happened... things would've been different... for both of you. Things would've been better."

"I miss Gollum, by the way," said Rachel. "When is he coming back?"

"God has already forgiven both of you," said Bri. "Now, you need to forgive yourself, and so does Gollum. You don't deserve to be tortured by your guilt. Forgive yourself."

"But, how?" asked Sméagol.

"Pray," said Austin. "Ask God for help."

"Yes," Bri agreed. "That's what he's here for, to help us, so we can live the best lives possible. He doesn't want you to torture yourself. He wants you to be happy."

"You've already earned our trust and respect," said Damian. "You've proven yourself to be a good man. You're not a killer."

"No," said Alyssa. "That stupid, fucking, piece of shit ring is."

"Sauron is," said Aini.

"Who's Sauron?" asked another rmember, Paul.

"He's the bastard who created the ring," said Lea.

"Oh, right."

"I'd like to kick his ass for everything he put Sméagol and Gollum through."

"Sauron is evil," said Aini, "not you. All this is on him. Don't blame yourself for his stupidity. That's what he wants."

"Yeah, don't let him win," said Lea. "Fuck him."

"Uh, or don't," Damian joked.

Everyone snickered and giggled.

"Wow, really, Damian?!" Bri teased.

Sméagol smiled. "Thank you," he said with a little giggle. "All of you, thank you."

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