Letting Lolbit in!

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Lolbit's P.O.V
Well what Foxy?

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Come here and I will tell you. *motions for Lolbit to come closer*

Lolbit's P.O.V
Uh ok?! *walks towards Funtime Foxy* What did you want to say to me Foxy?

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
I have an idea to solve your "LOVE" problem Lolbit.And I think you will like it.

Lolbit's P.O.V
It's not really a problem Foxy.I already told you it is my fault.I am the one who.........

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Stop right there missy.I do not want to hear that again.I already told you I do not want to hear it.I already told you I am going to make it up to you for it.Ans I don't wanna hear any if's, and's, or but's about it.

Lolbit's P.O.V
Okay, okay!No need to get your tail in a twist.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
I may not have full strength, but I will tie you down to a chair and force upon you a child to birth.And you won't get a say in it.

Lolbit's P.O.V
WOOOAAH!That is not necessary Foxy.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Well then listen to your little sister when she is trying to help you out with your sad love life.

Lolbit's P.O.V
I can't believe I'm letting my pregnant little sister tell how to work my love life.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Well I wouldn't be if my older sister wasn't such a big baby when it comes to talking to a boy.

Lolbit's P.O.V
Well I'm sorry I'm a shy fox.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Well I think you should try and not be so shy so much.Cause otherwise everyone else will start calling you Mangle.

Lolbit's P.O.V
I act nothing like Mangle, and I look nothing like Mangle.I am TEN TIMES SEXIER THAN HER. *does a sexy pose next to Funtime Foxy sticking her tongue out*

F.t Foxy's P.O.V

Narrator's P.O.V
Stops posing and looks at her laughing sister and doesn't know that Circus Baby took a picture of her posing.

Lolbit's P.O.V
What is so funny Foxy?

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
You standing there posing like that.It's hilarious!

Lolbit's P.O.V
It is not, it is cute.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Oh yeah Lolbit, name at least one animatronic in this pizzeria.

Lolbit's P.O.V
I can name several animatronics Foxy!

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Ok then!NAME THEM Lolbit!

Lolbit's P.O.V
Foxy, Withered Foxy, Phantom Foxy, Nightmare Foxy, And Rockstar Foxy.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
All your names were just the FOXY'S!

Lolbit's P.O.V
Yeah I did!So what?

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
That is kinda sad Lolbit. *is looking at her sister in sorrow*

Lolbit's P.O.V
Well they were the only names of everyone that I see almost on a daily basis.Plus they are the main ones that either come up to me and what to talk to me.Or one of them will say something to me if they walk by me or I walk by me.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
And what do they say to you?

Lolbit's P.O.V

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
What's wrong Lolbit?

Lolbit's P.O.V
What they say is a little embarrassing and not really something I think should be said out loud.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Well then whisper it to me.

Lolbit's P.O.V

Narrator's P.O.V
Lolbit walks closer to Funtime
Foxy and whispers in her ear.And Funtime Foxy grows a rather large look of cheekiness onto her face.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
You don't say Lolbit?!

Lolbit's P.O.V
Yeah, and though it is flattering!Sometimes it is embarrassing because one of the girls is always around.They say something, and then it nags them on to say more.And I'm just standing there a hot blushing mess with nothing to say, and I always run off blushing so red I get called Lolberry.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Awww!That is really cute.My big sister has a cute nickname.And a really good one especially since it goes well with your face right now.

Lolbit's P.O.V
With my face?What are you talking about Foxy?

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
You are blushing a lot right now, and you look like a ripe strawberry right now.She blushed even more when I told her that.

C.Baby's P.O.V
I'm gonna go Lolbit, I'll be back later to check on Funtime Foxy ok?Please keep an eye on her Lolbit.

Lolbit's P.O.V
I turned around to see Baby leaving the medical room.So I replied before she fully had left the room.Okay Baby!

C.Baby's P.O.V

Lolbit's P.O.V

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
While Lolbit and Baby had their quick little conversation.I took the opportunity to get out of the medical bed and stand up behind Lolbit with a surprise she was sure to not expect.

Lolbit's P.O.V
Okay Foxy, now we can go back to our conver............. But before I could finish talking.I was cut off by the touch of a strong taste.And the taste was oddly familiar, a little to familiar.And I knew that easily because there is only one animatronic that uses PINK BUBBLEGUM COTTON CANDY FLAVORED LIPSTICK.My little sister had just KISSED me on the lips.I was so shocked by what had just happened, I didn't know how to respond other than to just embrace the kiss.And return back Funtime Foxy's act of passion, with more passion.

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