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First person POV
He......just.....KISSED ME!Yenndo just KISSED ME!OH MY GOD, my mind was racing about a million miles per second and I couldn't think of any other reactions other than to push back into his kiss.Until our lips slowly drifted apart, but our eyes locked in a gazing glance at the others face.

Yenndo's POV
Are you all better now, no more crying and breaking down Lolbit?

Lolbit's POV
Yeah, but why did you kiss me Yenndo?

Yenndo's POV
Oh well I thought it would have been the best way get your attention and get you to calm down , cause honestly I felt bad for you.But.........

Lolbit's POV
But what Yenndo?Is something wrong?

Yenndo's POV
I don't want you to take this wrong or think of it as something bad OR perverted.But I.......kinda wanted to kiss you because I have a crush on you and I really like you.......

Lolbit's POV
So that's what it was huh, it all makes sense now!

Yenndo's POV
What makes sense?

Lolbit's POV
That day when everyone was doing that dare of being quiet and me and you were just writing on paper back and forth the whole time.You were asking me questions, that I didn't really have answers to.

Yenndo's POV
Oh yeah, those were just silly little things I had wanted to talk about.But they aren't really much of a concern to me, just things that seemed needed to say to get rid of.

Lolbit's POV
Are you so sure about that Yenndo, cause to me they seemed like really important things to you.Otherwise you would not have asked me those things like you did.

Yenndo's POV
I....am.............*sigh*.............I guess you are right Lolbit, I hadn't really noticed.But I guess so, sorry Lolbit.I just assumed they were unnecessary things aimlessly floating around my mind that would only go away if I just talked about them, so that is what I did.I hadn't really noticed that my questions were implying such feelings.

Lolbit's POV
You don't have to lie to me Yenndo, it's okay to just admit your feelings to me.

Yenndo's POV
What do you mean?

Lolbit's POV
Ever since I had my mental breakdown you have been very nourishing to me, you comforted me with hugs and back rubs.You listened to my testaments of why I think myself like I do and you changed my negative opinion of myself into a slightly more positive one.AND you kissed me very passionately, that says a lot Yenndo.

Yenndo's POV
Yeah I guess it does.

Lolbit's POV
Come on Yenndo, what is wrong?I know something is wrong, you are neglecting something and it is hurting your heart.I can see it in your eyes, they are a dull dry yellow instead of that bright warm-full yellow glowing gleaming sparkle.What do you want to tell me, I will listen just like you have for me.

Yenndo's POV
Okay FINE!I will tell you!

Lolbit's POV
I didn't mean to upset you, it's just that your emotional behavior was kinda rubbing off into a weird aura and it felt sad.And I was concerned about yo........

Yenndo's POV
I get that, but you are right.I do have something, and it is similar to your problem.And honestly it is just silly really.

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