The fun is just starting

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Lolbit's P.O.V
No really I'm good, I was just trying to get you guys to stop fighting.The massage was good enough Freddy, I loved it.I don't need anything else.But I was lying to them, I did want to but I was scared to.Would it hurt, how would it feel, was I going to like it.I had so many reasons to not want to do it, but at the same time I wanted it so bad.But I was scared, I had never done it before and I was a little concerned of what Foxy is gonna say to me about it.

F.t Freddy's P.O.V
What's wrong Lolbit, you look a little scared?

Lolbit's P.O.V
*in a quiet voice* maybe

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Yeah, you are blushing a lot and your doing the thing were you brush your tail in a circle on the floor.And you only do that when you are really nervous about something.

Lolbit's P.O.V
*in a quiet voice* maybe

F.t Freddy's P.O.V
What's wrong Lolbit,

Lolbit's P.O.V
I don't want to talk about it.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Why not Lolbit?

Lolbit's P.O.V
Because I know you will make fun of me if I say it.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
No I won't, I promise I will not.No matter what it is!

Lolbit's P.O.V
You promise Foxy?

F.t Foxy's P.O.V

F.t Freddy's P.O.V
And if she doesn't, I will tickle her till she PEES HERSELF!

F.t Foxy's P.O.V

F.t Freddy's P.O.V

Lolbit's P.O.V
You pee yourself if someone tickles you?

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Only if someone does it for to long.

Lolbit's P.O.V
That gives me an idea for later.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Don't even think out it.But now we are getting off topic.

Lolbit's P.O.V
Not really!

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
Yes we are, now tell us why you acting all embarrassed about you getting you getting your turn in the  lust.

Lolbit's P.O.V
*in a quiet voice* Because I'm a virgin.

F.t Foxy P.O.V
I'm sorry but you wanna repeat that one again.Cause what I think I heard seems a little far fetched in my head.

F.t Freddy's P.O.V
You can tell us Lolbit.

Lolbit's P.O.V
*takes a deep breath and talks really fast* IMSTILLAVIRGIN!

Narrator's P.O.V
Even though Lolbit spoke quickly, both the FUNTIME'S understood clearly what she had said.And it was shocking.

Both Funtime's P.O.V

Narrator's P.O.V
After the Funtime's shocking new information and a MAD BLUSHING LOLBIT standing in the middle trying to hide her strawberry red face with her tail.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V

F.t Freddy's P.O.V
It's not that big of a deal Foxy, Lolbit just probably never had an interest in that sort of thing.

F.t Foxy's P.O.V
The hell if it isn't Freddy!My older sister that is practically the same as me has never had sex before. Where as her sister who is a bit younger than her has had sex MULTIPLE TIMES!

F.t Freddy's P.O.V

Lolbit's P.O.V
I'm just gonna go, I'll see you guys later. *turns around and begins to walk away*

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