
947 22 23

May 7th , 1999

Steve and Jimmy come into the band's motel room after a shitty concert. Jimmy ended up pissing on someone again, which is always fun. Steve plopped his fatass on the couch and cracked open a beer. "Holy shit that audience was crazy!" He groaned, raising his eyebrows up at Jimmy, who was beginning to take his shirt off.

Steve whistled at the sight of Jimmy's chesticles. "Someone's been working out." Jimmy chuckled, "Yea, you need to as well with your fatass." He walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

The guitar player thought for a moment. He knew his whole life he was one phat faggot, and he couldn't deny it. But never did he think he'd have feelings for Jimmy fucking Urine.

Steve stood up and took a swig of his beer. He walked into the bathroom, which was unlocked. He saw Jimmy's silhouette through the curtain. "Jimmy?" Steve could barely hear himself over the shower running.

"Holy shit! What are you doing in here?" Jimmy scowled, peaking out behind the shower curtain. "I need to tell you something, man." The younger male said.

Jimmy furrowed his eyebrows, then turned off the shower, grabbing a towel to wrap it around his waist before stepping out.

The singer looked super hot apparently to Steve, as he leaned into Jimmy and started to kiss kiss fall in love. "I love you."

"Uh, I love you too.. but this is a bit-"

"nO I love you more than a bandmate I need you in my life.!!" Steve confesses and proceeds to touchy touch Jimmer and take off cloth.

Steve and Jimmy fuck.


Kitty and Vanessa are walking into the motel after getting coffee at a coffee shop. "Where's the boys?" Kitty asks, setting her cup in the table. Vanessa shrugs.

Then they hear the moan. And the two females are in shock. "Is someone over?" Kitty frowns and walks toward the moaning source. She gets her drumsticks and lock picks the door and catches them in the act.

Jimmy and Steve are fuck.

Surprisingly Steve is on bottom, and Kitty and disappoint. "Jimmy you're such a twink how the fuck do you top that fatass im-" she closes the door and leaves.

And Jimmy almost dies.


I am still stuck in the 90s and 2000s okay I'm such a faggot um also I read somewhere that Jimmy and Kitty are cousins and im-

Also I hc VYT as mute bitch since I've never heard her voice. I've never seen her on an interview from the 97/98/99/00 whatever um

revive msi pls

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