Creepy Falling Babies and Slides

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Moxy runs deeper into the tunnel, "Here we go."

"Moxy. Moxy!" Wage shouts.

"Moxy, no! Get back here!" Isabella runs after her.

"Slow down. You're gonna slip. It's dangerous!" Wage adds.

Moxy falls, but she kept running. However, she was going nowhere lying on the floor of the tunnel.

"Almost there! Come on! Come on, guys! Come on!"

Isabella sighs, "I'll get her." she walks over and picks Moxy up, who stops running when she realizes that she was going nowhere.

"Um...I guess not." Moxy says Isabella puts her down on her feet, "Guys! What if this is the way to the Big World?"

Babo spoke up, "But Ox says there is no Big World and he-"

"He didn't know there was something else out there. But we do. This pipe? It's real, and it has to lead somewhere. Maybe it's the Big World. If anyone can figure it out, it's us. Isabella, you always wanted to try something new. Lucky, what could make you wiser than solving the ultimate unsolved mystery? Hello! Mystery ahead! And, Uglydog, you're my best friend."

"Well, that's just hurtful." Wage crosses her arms as Uglydog wags his tail.

"Are you really going to let me go in alone?" Moxy asks him.

"You ain't goin' alone." Uglydog joins her.

"Classic guilt trip." Wage comments.

"And when someone needs help, who y'all gonna call? Babo, that's who!" Moxy continues.

"I gotta say, she gets me." Babo joins her.

"I guess traveling farther wouldn't hurt." Isabella walks over to them.

"Hmm...I suppose a little journey could be enlightening." Lucky Bat adds as the five look to Wage.

"This is ridiculous! Going into a creepy pipe that spells certain doom? Boop! No. No, thank you!" Wage crosses her arms.

"Wage..." Moxy starts.

"Go ahead. Give me your big sell, Moxy. Tell me that I have to go. It's my duty as a doll to be a friend. Tell me that deep down I want to know what's over there, too. Come on. Give me the pitch!"

"If you don't come, you're going to have to climb down that cliff" Moxy finishes.

Wage opens her mouth, "Good pitch. Let's just let the record show that I am against this." she walks ahead of them as they cheer.

"Yay!" Isabella smiles.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about, Wage." Uglydog adds before Babo pushes them all into the tunnel.

"Slow down, Blobby." Wage told him.

"It's Babo."

"I know your name."

The dolls walked around in the dark.

"There are so many tunnels." Moxy comments.

"It's too dark to really see anything." Isabella adds.

"What we really need is a light." Uglydog told them.

"I have a flashlight!" Babo says.

"So why have we been walking in the dark for the last hour, then?" Wage asks.

"I'm conserving the batteries until we really need it." Babo explained.

"Good thinking. Let me know when you come upon a time when you really need it." Wage says.

"Can we use the flashlight now?" Isabella asks.

"You got it!" Babo shines the light in front of them.

Uglydog walks ahead of them, sniffing the ground.

"You smell anything?" Moxy asks.

"It's hard to say. It's be easier if I had a nose." Uglydog told her.

"Hey, guys. Why do I feel like something bad is about to happen any second-!!!" Isabella was cut off when they all started to fall, screaming.

Other human like dolls similar to Isabella were falling with them.

"Creepy falling babies! Whoa! Creepy falling babies!" Wage panics.

"Oh, no! Oh, no.." Moxy opens her eyes when she realizes that they are going down a slide. She laughs, "Whoo! Yes!"

Uglydog jumps onto some dolls' heads, "Hey, look at me go!"  he lands in front of one doll, "Hello!"

Babo laughs as he slides on his stomach.

"I'm freakin' out!" Wage told Lucky Bat.

"Breathe in deep." He instructed as she did what he said. Eventually they got separated, "Very calmly!"

Wage screams.

Isabella laughs as she lands at the bottom of the slide first, "And she sticks the landing! Woohoo!"

The others follow after. Babo and Uglydog laugh as they pull Wage up.

"And exhale." Lucky told her as she spat some stuff out.

Moxy emerges from next to Isabella, "Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Let's do it again!" she laughs as the others smile before looking up in shock.

"Moxy, look!" Isabella whispers, pointing behind the pink doll.

Moxy turns around to see a sign that said, "Institute of Perfection." along with a screen that showed videos.

Choir: There's a child for every doll and a doll for every child.

"Congratulations, Doll Type Number 12. You have arrived at your designated quality control center. The final step of your journey to becoming the complete doll you were made to be. And once you successfully complete the institute's rigorous final test, you'll pass through this portal and begin the greatest experience a doll can know." A female announcer explains.

Suddenly, they could hear Isabella's voice being heard from the screen as kids were shown with their dolls.

Screen Isabella: Perfect dolls, you'll meet your child and they'll hug and hold you fast. And you'll know a true fulfillment that will never be surpassed. And they'll see their own reflection every time they glance your way. As you bask in their affection, that eternal pure connection, thank the Institute of Perfection. And it all begins...

Moxy and Screen Isabella: Today.

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