Couldn't Be Better

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The sun rose on a town called Uglyville.

"Ugly-doodle-doo!" a white stuffed pegasus called.

A blue stuffed dog with one eye woke up, "Good morning, Uglyville!" he started to run all over the town.

"Ugly morning, Uglydog. Whoo-hoo! I'm aerodynamically impossible! Ha, ha!" the pegasus flew around, laughing as he heads towards a house.

A pink stuffed doll was sitting on her bed and looking through and drawing in her notebook, singing.

Pink doll: There's a child for every doll and a doll for every child. They somehow find each other when destiny has smiled. Who knows just how they're chosen. The stories seldom say, It could happen any moment and today could!

She falls back onto her bed, holding her notebook close as the pegasus lands on her window.

"Yo, wake up, Moxy." the pegasus told her.

Moxy stands up on her bed, "Morning, Peggy! I've been up for hours." she jumps off and heads to her calendar, writing, 'TODAY'S THE DAY!' on May 10th, "Today could be the day!" she runs over to her mirror, which looked like the mirrors you would see in a funhouse.

Moxy: Hello, gorgeous! Let's check out how you look today! Short and stubby and, my gosh! Look how much you weigh! You're pinkish red, got this thing on your head. And, whoa! Girl, you couldn't look better!

Moxy runs over to her computer and starts typing away as Uglydog lands at her window.

"Hey!" Peggy flies off.

"Hey, Moxy. You're in a good mood." Uglydog greets.

Moxy turns to face him, "That's because today I'm going to-"

Uglydog jumps down, cutting her off, "Get chosen and go to the Big World and be with your child. You say that every day."

"I know. But today I might be right." Moxy says before printing what she typed.

Moxy: Shake the sleep off and kick into the morning drill!

She catches a stack of papers while Uglydolls catches one in his teeth.

Moxy: It's another awesome day here in Uglyville!

She opens her window as confetti comes out.

Moxy: Grab your shoes, time to spread the good news. Whoa!

"Let's go!" Uglydog told her.

Moxy: Things just couldn't be better! Call it hope or faith. Whatever!

She and Uglydog walk out the door and slide down the rails of her stairs.

Moxy: I just know in my heart, it's the day I've awaited forever!

Uglydolls: Cause there's a scrambled sun in a Day-Glo sky and the mood couldn't be any brighter!

Moxy passes out some newspapers to the dolls of Uglyville.

Uglydolls: And as the slam-bang city goes rocketing by, well, my head couldn't feel any lighter!

Moxy gets on her bike and starts riding around the town.

Uglydolls: It's like a fun house ride, the kind you just can't miss!

Uglydog jumps on some of the roofs before riding a skateboard next to Moxy.

Moxy: Call it crazy and yet, is there anything better than this?!

She and Uglydog land in the middle of a crowd of Uglydolls.

Uglydolls: Life just couldn't be better than this!

A pretty human looking doll named Isabella walked over to them, "Moxy, Uglydog!"

She was wearing a vertical-striped bodice with oversized buttons. The left sleeve of her dress was torn, with stuffing poking out of it. The dress featured a pink and black tartan overskirt with decorative stitching along the border over a baby-pink ruffled petticoat. She was also wearing teal and white striped fingerless gloves.

"Hi Isabella! Have you seen Mayor Ox around?"

"Yeah, he's right over there. Let's go!" she leads them over to a green stuffed bunny, who was missing an eye, and a red stuffed bat.

"Here you go, Mayor Ox. Hot off the press." Moxy hands him a newspaper.

"Thanks, Moxy. Today's the day!" Ox told her.

"You really think so? When someone gets chosen, do they get picked up by a long stretch dune buggy or something fancy?" Moxy asks.

"Moxy, today's the day for the tree planting ceremony." Isabella explained as a doll, who looked like a tree, walked over to them.

"Oh..." Moxy looked down.

"Mr. Tree, if you would." Lucky Bat, the red doll, says.

Mr. Tree takes off his sunglasses and plants a tree into the ground.

"Now, I've told your before..." Ox starts to explain as Lucky Bat starts to take pictures off them, "All this business about the so-called Big World and children, those are just stories!"

"Everyone says that, but what's the harm in believing?" Moxy asks.

"Moxy..." Isabella smiles, shaking her head.

Ox: Never mind that. I'll tell you what the day will bring! First a shindig, then a bash then more partying.

"But, Ox-"

Ox gets carried away by the crowd.

Ox: Top it all with a rave then a ball.

Isabella: Whoa!

Ox: Right, you know it couldn't be better!

Lucky Bat followed after the mayor.

An orange stuffed doll pops her head out of a window, waving Moxy, Uglydog, and Isabella over.

Orange doll: Mornin', Moxy! Got something new you'll wanna try!

The doll reveals a pie to her.

"Hi, Wage!" Moxy waves.

Wage: It's a brownie-cupcake-fudge-berry ice-cream pie!



Wage: Just one bite! Who needs kids, am I right? Babo!

Wage tosses the pie up to a grey stuffed doll, who eats it before holding onto a pinwheel.

Babo: It just couldn't taste better!

Moxy: And soon you-know-what is comin'!

Ox: But until it arrives, might as well keep the party-

Moxy and Ox: Hummin'!

"Yeehaw!" Ox flies into the sky using his rabbit ears.

Isabella drives Moxy and Uglydog around the town with her car.

Isabella: Yes, it's a square-peg life in a round-hole town, but the folks couldn't be any sweeter!

Uglydog puts a button into the parking meter as the red light turns green.

Isabella, Moxy, and Wage: It may be upside-backwards and wrong-side down, but it just couldn't feel more completer!

Babo: And there's so much to do!

Wage: And it's all such bliss!

Isabella: There's no reason to fret!

Moxy: What could ever be better than this?

Uglydolls: No, it couldn't get better than-

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