Final Battle

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"Yes!" Ox cheers, pumping his fist as the dog lets the two Pretty Dolls and two Uglydolls off.

Elizabeth was starting to get really annoyed with the baby, "Unhand me, you annoying little hazard! Let go now!" She kicks the baby in its face.

The baby starts to cry as the crowd gasps in shock.

"Did you see that?! Who kicks a baby?!" A Pretty Doll asked.

"Boo, Elizabeth!" the octopus doll booes and blows a raspberry as everyone joins in.

"Elizabeth." Isabella trails off, covering her mouth as 35 seconds remained.

The baby puts Moxy down and throws Elizabeth into a toy chest.

The crowd cheers happily.

Moxy was about to run to the exit when she heard the baby crying and immediately stopped in her tracks. She turns to the baby and smiles, walking over to it as Elizabeth ran towards the exit.

"It's okay. Don't cry." Moxy hugs the baby, "You'll be okay."

The baby coos as it hugs Moxy.

The others walk over to her as Elizabeth ran out the exit and crossed the finish line as the timer went out.

"Sorry we didn't pass." Moxy apologized to Ox.

The door house opened up as everyone cheered.

Checkmarks appear for Babo, Ox, Lucky Bat, Wage, Mandy, and Uglydog.

"But how?" Wage asks.

"You did it, Moxy." Mandy whispers as others get checkmarks as well.

"Gauntlet bypassed! Love and compassion are the doll's true purpose. Run celebration protocol. Time to party!" a robot exclaims as some confetti comes out of two other robots' heads.

"For an Exposition Robot, that guy is pretty cool!" Uglydog comments.

"We...passed?" Lou asked, slowly getting happier.

"Lou, do you not see the checkmarks next to your-!!" Isabella gets cut off when Lou pecks her lips.

"Look!" Everyone looks to see that Elizabeth had an X next to her face.

The doll was in shock.

"You failed?" Lydia asked her.

"How could you fail?" Tuesday adds.

Elizabeth turned to Isabella and Lou, "How did you two pass and I didn't?!"

"What do you mean?" Kitty asked.

"They were supposed to fail! They're prototypes!" Elizabeth exclaimed as everyone looked shocked.

Lou shook his head in embarrassment.

"What?" Isabella asked in shock.

"Prototype is, like, a good thing, right?" Tuesday asks.

"No! Isabella and Lou ain't real dolls, girl." Lydia explained.

"You could have left all along to get away from these mindless sycophants!" Elizabeth points to Kitty, Tuesday, and Lydia.

Kitty gasped, offended.

"Sycophants is, like, a good thing, right?" Tuesday asks.

"Ugh! No, you imbecile!" Kitty snaps as Lydia shook her head.

"Is imbecile a good thing?" Tuesday turned to Babo.

"My gut says yeah." Babo told her as she smiled.

"But prototypes are not meant for public consumption! You two were never allowed to go to the Big World, but he could!" Elizabeth points to Ox, "How could someone as ugly as them be accepted and loved while someone as perfect me never could and never will?" She presses the green button, but noticed that nothing happened to Isabella. Mandy held up the necklace, smirking. Elizabeth looked panicked before looking over at the knitting needles and smirking, "Let's see how you feel when you're trapped in this place forever!" she pushes the red button on her remote as the house starts to go down. She grabs a knitting needle and starts to run off.

The baby grabs Moxy, Mandy, Isabella, Lou, Ox, Babo, Uglydog, Wage, and Lucky Bat before throwing them out of the house. They look up at notice Elizabeth making her way to the roof, laughing maniacally. The group starts to run after her.

"Come on!" Kitty, Tuesday, and Lydia follow them.

Elizabeth slides down the roof and lands on the floor, immediately running to the portal.

"I'll get her!" Isabella jumps down and starts to run after her, "Elizabeth, wait!"

The blonde doll was about to stab the portal with the knitting needle when Isabella grabs it and the two start to fight over it.

"What happened to you? I thought you were my friend!" Isabella told her.

"I just wanted to rule the Institute and do things my way! Even if I had to push you into Uglyville or sabotage Lou by telling him that the way out for Ox was what he thought was a safe place when it was really Recycling!"

"I lost my memories because of you! You made everyone think that Lou was the villain here!" Isabella says.

"Ox wanted to leave so bad, I had Lou send him right where he belongs." Elizabeth got slapped in the face by the brunette. The blonde doll stabbed the portal without her noticing, "The only thing I did wrong was I should have sent you to Recycling!"

The portal explodes as the two dolls get knocked back. Isabella lied on the floor, powerless.

"Isabella!" Lou and Ox ran over to her.

"I need a boost!" Lucky told Babo.

The grey doll pulls out a rubber band, stretching it, "I got nothing."

Elizabeth looked at the portal and laughed at the cracks in it, picking up the needle and starting to walk up to it.

"Elizabeth, no! Don't do this!" Ox told her.

Lucky Bat gets launched by the rubber band with the help of Wage and Babo, "Destiny time!" he lands in front of Elizabeth and takes the needle, hitting her with it and knocking her into Babo and Wagez who throw her upwards.

The robodog catches her in his mouth, "No! No! No!"

The Uglydolls laugh at her.

"Good dog." Moxy says.

"Isabella! Please! You can't just let them take over! After everything I've done for you!" Elizabeth pleads.

Isabella kept a blank face, "Does anyone have any suggestions on what we should do with her?"

"Tear the stuffing out of her!"

"Shred that liar, honey!

"Let the dog have her!

"Give her back to the baby!"

"No, please!" Elizabeth pleads, "I know I'm not perfect, but I deserve a second chance. Look into your heart. Look into your heart!"

"Um, I have an idea." a voice spoke up.

Everyone looked to Nolan. He pulls a rope to reveal...the dreaded wash.

Uglydolls (Lou X OC)Where stories live. Discover now