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After having lunch with Michael, the rest of the day consisted of me cleaning and grocery shopping. Earlier, Michael and I talked about what video games, music, and weather we preferred. I like hanging out with the non-arrogant Michael better. When my whole apartment was up to my standards, I went quickly to the store. I barely had any food at all in my fridge. As I was putting away the groceries, I realized how tired I am. I looked over to my clock to see that it was only 8:41 in the evening. I guess I'm going to bed very early tonight.

Last night I fell asleep around 9:30, after I put away groceries. This morning, I was woken by a knock at my door. It was obviously before seven, since my alarm hasn't went off yet. Puzzled, I answered the door to find a smiling red head. I became self conscious because I just had woken up, and most likely looked like a witch. "Goodmorning, Larry Vail. It seems that your mail was in my mailbox, again," Michael says. Not even bothering to greet him, I reply with, "Why are you here so early, do you never sleep?" It came out a lot ruder than expected. He only laughs and says, "I haven't went to bed yet, so no." "Oh..." "So, I was wondering if we could maybe... hang out later?" Michael asks, seeming slightly awkward. "Yeah, sure. After I get done with class, I'll text you. Oh, I don't have your number, do I?" When he gets his phone out of his pocket to put my number in it, I realize his appearance. He's wearing black sweatpants, with spongebob socks and a Blink-182 shirt. The only color on him is yellow socks, red hair, and pink lips. He looks like a vampire. "We should tanning together sometime," I say before realizing it. He only gives me a funny look.

Class was good today, besides lunch because of Sarah's constant complaining. Apparently, the guy she's talking to has a girlfriend. I was happy when my last class ended. I texted Michael to tell him on was on my way to his apartment. He probably needed a heads-up anyways to tidy his place. I doubt it was clean. 

I get out of my car and lock it. I head up to Michael's apartment. I get a nervous feeling in my stomach, which isn't what I want. I work up the courage to knock on the door. He answers within 5 seconds, with a bright smile on his face. "Good afternoon, lobster boy," I greet him. His smile turns into a look of disapproval. "Please never call me that ever again," he says. "I'm not promising anything," I reply, as I give him a stupid wink. 

Before I knew it, it was 5 hours later and we were talking about absolutely nothing. I told Michael bye because I really had to get home so I could concentrate on my homework. He only told me I was lame as I exited his apartment. Even after I was by myself, all I could think about was what he told me. He is enrolled in a community college, but rarely goes, he has a part-time job that barely pays for essentials. Michael is in a band, but nothing has really happened with it. I feel a little bad for him. If I was him, I guess I would play video games all night instead of sleeping, too. 

The next couple days are pretty much the same. He brings me my mail that's in his box (still really confused why that keeps happening), I go to my classes, and after it's over, I go hangout with Michael. He's a lot more interesting than staying home and watching movies while I eat ice cream. 

On Saturday, I go to a late breakfast with Sarah and all she wants to talk about is my love life. I made a mistake mentioning Michael because she asked me a million questions. I refused to answer any since he's only a friend. Later that day, my high school friend, Emma, and I went shopping. I went into Barnes and Nobles and saw a Clifford the Big Red Dog book. Of course I bought it to give to him  for an early birthday present. He told me his birthday was November 20th the other day and I somehow remembered. When I got home, I texted him to tell him to come over. 

to Clifford: I have a surprise for you, come over now

to Larry: Sounds promising. I'll be there after I finish this round of cod, miss bossy

to Clifford: Just shutup and get here

to Larry: Ok, putting pants on now

Right when Michael knocked at my door, I opened it and handed him the gift. Earlier, I had wrapped it in newspaper and duct tape, so it was pretty much indestructible. After about five solid minutes of watching him tear at the present, he finally got it unwrapped. He tried his best to hide his stupid smile to pretend he hated the book, but he couldn't. "Out of everything you could have bought me, you got me this dumb book?" Michael said, still trying to hide his smirk. "Yes, you know you love it," I tell him. "I do, thanks Larry. I'll read it everytime before I go to bed," Michaels says, as he pulls me in for a hug. I tense up because we have never really hugged. Michael smells like boy. Not the sweaty and gross kind of boy, the good kind that makes you want to melt. "You're welcome, Clifford." Before he lets go of me, he gives me a kiss on my cheek. My cheeks may or may not have turned a little pink.

Michael and I talk for a couple minutes before I start yawning. "You want me to leave? You look pretty tired," he says, sweetly. "I don't particularly want you to go, but I guess you should because I'm exhausted," I say with a smile. "Sleep tight, Larry," Michael replies, as he takes my hand to squeeze, as to say goodbye. "Goodnight, Clifford," I say, with a huge, stupid grin on my face.


This is the longest chapter we've written. Hope you liked it!! Make sure to vote and comment any thoughts plz

We have an instagram that will have a theme starting today!! it's @demonichemmo just like the username on here. The theme will be pretty snazzy in my opinion (:

Do you guys like the ship name Clara or Clarry better?? 

WE LOVE YOU a lot~Cat and Cal

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