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Michael and I built a tent in the living room. We were both very tired from moving his stuff, but still wanted to stay up and watch another movie. I knew that I would regret this in the morning, since I had class.  We fell asleep in the middle of Clueless, around one am. 

When my alarm went off at seven, as it usually does, and I forced Michael up as well. He was taking up as much room as possible, so somehow I ended up on the couch. I knew he would be nervous about today because I was making him go to his classes. He made it obvious to me he was not a morning person when I jumped on top of him to wake up, as he whined and threw me off of him. I decided to make him breakfast as I pulled all the blankets from our fort off of him and turned the fan on so he would get cold. Just as the waffles popped out of the toaster, he was slowly walking in the kitchen with his eyes closed. He hit his pinky toe on the edge of the table as he was sitting down. Michael screamed a curse word as I laughed to myself. "Hey! Would your mother be proud of that?" Michael just rolled his eyes at me. When I gave him his waffles, he thanked me then put as much peanut butter on them as possible, along with syrup. We both finished and he started to get up from the table. "Michael Gordon, put your plate in the sink," I ordered him as I laughed. He responded with, "Yes, mother."

"Do I annoy you when I act like your mother?" I ask Michael. "No, honestly I think it's kinda cute. You know, I'm realy thankful for everything you've done for me. You're helping me get my life together," he says as he laughs. I respond by smiling as I walk out of the kitchen to go get ready. It makes me happy that I'm helping him.

Michael's parents pay for him to go to some community college about ten miutes away from mine. I drop him off fifteen minutes early for his first class. As he gets out of the car, he sarcastically blows me a kiss to hide his anxiety. I wish him good luck and leave the parking lot.

My last class ends thirty minutes before Michael's ends. I'm nervous to see how his first day went. I pull up where he told me to pick him up. After waiting for about twenty minutes, I see Michael looking to find me and as he catches a glimpse of my car and smirks. He opens the passenger side door and gets in. "Michael, you know what sounds really good? Nerds. Like the candy nerds." I say, thinking of all my favorite candy. "Yeah, sweets sound amazing right now," Michael replies. "Oh, I forgot to ask. How was your day?" "It was good. Other than the fact that I don't understand one thing that's going on," he said, with a smile. "Remember, I'll help you if you need," I say kindly.

We head to the gas station to get more junk food that we didn't need. Michael also picks up a frozen pizza for dinner, since my fridge was already empty, again. On the way back, he explains in detail what his day was like. He doesn't like anyone that goes there because they apparently "smell like rotting fish." He's trying to get a business degree, since he doesn't know what he wants to do after college.

When we got home, I put the pizza in and start on homework. I didn't have a lot, but Michael did. I finished mine before the pizza was even done and made Michael sit down at the table with me, so I could help him. We finished everything as the oven went off, signaling that the pizza was done. 

Michael and I sat down on the bar stools with our piles of fattening food on each plate. He looked a little worried, so I asked him, "Is something wrong?" "I just need to tell you something and I hope it's not a big deal." I silently hope he's right about it not being a big deal, as I say, "Just tell me." "You know all the times I gave you your mail?" I answer confusedly," Yeah.." " wasn't actually in my mailbox..I may have stolen it out of yours so I could talk to you.." I roll my eyes and respond, "You're such a dork. How did you even come up with that?" "Um, my bandmate, Calum, gave me the idea." "Well your bandmate Calum made you break the law," I answer with a laugh. He then looks very awkward as he says, "Yeah..that's one of the reasons I couldn't afford my apartment..I got caught then fined." "MICHAEL GORDON WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TALK TO ME LIKE A REGULAR MALE? You didn't need to break the law, stupid!" I'm not mad, just very puzzled on why he chose to do that. 

Michael asked me if it was alright if his band came over to hang out. He hadn't seen them in a long time, so I agreed. 

About an hour later, all four of them were on the couch, playing video games. When they first got here, Michael introduced me to all of them. Ashton asked, "So are you guys, like, together? Because we haven't seen Mikey in ages!" Before I could say anything, Michael said, "Pssh, obviously." Then he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. "No," I laughed as I pushed him off of me and said, "we're not." 

Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael sat in front of the television for another two hours playing some video game before they decided to leave. Luke was the last one to walk out of the door. As he did, he yelled, "Bye Michael! Bye Michael's girlfriend!" 

"You know what Larry, we should just get married already. We're obviously made for each other," Michael said when his friends left. "Ok, propose to me and we'll go look for a wedding dress tomorrow," I said, clearly with sarcasm.


Helloooo. I should be writing something for my English class, but instead I wrote this (:

Instagram- @demonichemmo

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ILY!! ~Cat and Cal

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