Chapter Nine

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Aden's cut is almost healed, Clarke is spreading cream onto his forehead before she tucks him into bed when the front door clicks open, "Oh! Mum's home!" Clarke laughs has Aden runs down the steps with Madi close on his heels. Lexa is tackled with hugs, laughing as she's knocked backward on the couch.
"Lexa look at this!" Madi is waving a paper in front of her, "Mama come here too." Madi waves at Clarke. Clarke siddles down next to Lexa and kisses her on the cheek before she turns her attention back to Madi. "Today in class we had to do a family tree and look here's mine. Madi shoves the paper into Clarke's hands and frantically points at the different scribbles. "There's you mama and there's grandma abby and grandpa kane and here Lexa that one's you-" Aden shoved his head into the huddle, accidently getting cream onto Madi's hand, "Am I on it?"
"Yeah you're next to me." Madi points at a different scrimble while wiping the cream on Lexa's shirt. Clarke's jaw has dropped and she shares a tender look with Lexa. Lexa's on the family tree. Clarke hopes this doesn't freak her out too much.
"Well done babycakes" Clarke pulls Madi into a bear hug and kisses her on the head, "This is definitely going on the fridge."
When both kids are finally asleep and Clarke has Lexa all to herself in bed she rolls over on top of her.
"Oof hey babe" Lexa grunts from Clarke's weight.
"I love you" Lexa's eyes widen when those three words slip from Clarke's lips. Lexa wraps herself around Clarke, and whispers into Clarke's ear, "I love you too" They fell asleep, tangled in eachothers arms and tangled in each other's love.
"Move in." Clarke is staring down at sleepy Lexa, "Move in with me." Lexa rolls onto her back, rubbing her eyes and pushing the hair off her shoulders.
"The sex is that good huh?" Lexa winks and receives a pillow to the face.
"No stupid." Lexa pouts, "Okay fine the sex is great" This makes Lexa smile again. "But you're never at your apartment anyway. You're always here. And I love you. Like a lot. And I want you here with me." That was only the second time Clarke has uttered those eight letters and it only feels more and more perfect to say.
"Are we really gonna be one of those Uhaul lesbian couples that move in with each other after dating for a month?" Clarke frowns and Lexa sprinkles kisses on her nose. "I haven't even met your mom yet Clarke there is so much I don't know about you." Lexa sits up quickly, accidently bagning their foreheads together in the process.
"Ouch" Clarke whimpers rubbing the side of her head. Lexa fixes it with a quick kiss and a small apologetic smile.
"Clarke holy shit I know nothing about you. I'm literally living in your house and I don't even know where you grew up."
"Yes you do. Uptown New York. We talked about it over dinner." Clarke snuggled into Lexa's chest and sighed in comfort.
"Do you know where I grew up??"
"uhuh . Michigan."
"Oh." Lexa furrowed her brow, "Where did I go to college?"
"Where did I rent my first apartment?"
"SoHo, about the gayest part of New York"
"What's my favorite food?"
"What was my first dog's name?"
"Yogi, short for Yogi Bear. Clarke was rattling off answers while half asleep, knowing every inch of this woman like the back of her hand.
"Well fuck." Lexa was surprised with just how much Clarke knew about her. Lexa pushed curly blonde hair back from sleepy blue eyes and tilted her jaw up. "I love you" Lexa softened, knowing that it was true. Clarke buried her nose deeper into Lexa's chest, "I'm glad you're up to speed missy." Lexa threw her head back and laughed from deep in her gut. "Oh god you're cocky Griffin"
"You love it." Clarke winked but half her face was mushed against Lexa's boobs so it looked like she was trying to communicate in morse code with all the blinking. Lexa smiled, Clarke was right, she loved it.

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