Chapter Ten

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(A few months later)

Boxes piled around Clarke's huge farmhouse. An excited blonde ran down the driveway and into Lexa's arms when the last of the boxes were finally unloaded. Lexa caught her but was knocked back a few steps by the momentum. Clarke squeezed as tight and she could, finally her girl was home.
Clarke had 'shit to do' meaning deal with her best friend Raven's antics. So Clarke was off comforting her friend which meant Lexa was home alone with Aden and Madi. She sent them off to play outside while she fixed an easy dinner of hotdogs on the grill. Lexa was about to pull the dogs off the grill when she was startled by Madi yelling. "Mum! Mummy Mum Mum!" Lexa quickly looked around, Clarke wasn't here and Madi knew that which meant....oh shit. Madi was calling for her. This was the first time Madi had ever called her mom before. Lexa's heart was beating out of her chest, running towards the barn to intercept the little kid sprinting up the dirt road. Madi was crying, holding her left hand in her other, Aden following close behind. Lexa rushed to Madi's side, kneeling down and taking her small stubby hand into her elegant long ones. A piece of woods stuck out of one finger, beads of red blood starting to form around it.
"Shush baby it's okay, I can fix it." Lexa cooed over her little one. Madi bit back more tears, nodding her head. Lexa lifted Madi and held her close and the reached down for Aden's hand, shooting him an appreciative look for taking care of Madi.
When Lexa told Clarke about it that night she was playfully shoved off the bed. "No fair! I haven't gotten a mom from Aden yet!" Clarke crossed her arms and stuck out her lip. Lexa climbed back into the bed, pulling Clarke close.
"He'll come around. He thinks of you as his other mom, he just doesn't have the courage to say it yet." Clarke was still pouting so Lexa buried her in kisses until Clarke began to laugh. Lexa took this as a sign to deepen the kiss so she did. Clarke returned it with passion and they collapsed onto the bed, Clarke on top.

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