Chapter 85: Praying for a Miracle

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Chaplain Altlock smirked, and he brought down his left hand. He took his open palmed right hand, and he aimed it at the over four hundred children. Paladin watched, as a glowing orange flame appear in the open palmed hand that was aimed at the Children.

"Come out of there, and I'll burn all these children into a crisp."

Paladin laughed, he knew that the Chaplain Altlock wouldn't dare risk burning the children into an orange crisp. They were his tools and were the only way to destroy the Stone pillar's defense.

"You wouldn't dare risk the only tool you have at your disposal to take down the Magic that protects the stone pillar," Paladin said with a confident voice.

Chaplain Altlock smirked, and he shook his head while he looked at Paladin.

"Blood Magic is Blood Magic, there is no preference it has for specifics of Blood. Blood is Blood, and Blood from all ages can be used in Blood Magic."

Paladin was confused with what Chaplain Altlock was saying, but his eyes grew wide as he quickly realized what Altlock was saying. He looked down at the ground around him, and he looked at the sea of blood that was all over the golden pyramids, the bodies of the Dead Cultists that were all over. Paladin realized.

He doesn't need the children anymore, he has an entire sea of Blood right here that we created. We killed over one hundred Icarus Cultists, and their bodies were drained and created massive pools that connected with other pools, creating an entire sea of Blood that we are standing on.

"I knew that the Inquisition would be here, and since the Icarus Cult were seeking for the members of House Odin I took it upon myself to do a favor. To capture both the Members of House Odin, and to destroy Anvil in one--" Paladin interjected into what Altlock was saying.

"You son of a bitch--"

"Now make a decision Killer of Hemlock and Alfred. Release the Golden pyramid, and surrender to me. I'll spare the remaining children. Fight me, and I'll burn all these children to a crisp, and you can explain to their crying mothers on why they are dead."

Paladin clenched both of his hand with all the strength he had, his head was scrambling.

I don't know what decision I'm about to make. But, if we're going to have a miracle I pray to God that it happens soon.

Paladin turned his head right to look at Noxious, he was wanting to get an idea from Noxious about what he wanted to do. Noxious turned his head left to look at Paladin.

"What do you think?"

Noxious shrugged his shoulders, seemingly he did not care for the critical decision that Paladin had to make. To him, he didn't care whether the children lived or not.

"Whichever option allows me to get some fighting in works for me."

Paladin turned to look forward, and he looked at Chaplain Altlock whom was in the same position from when he turned away.

"I'm going to count down to have until then to make your decision," Chaplain Altlock said.

Paladin was clenching his hands, making fists out of them. He was praying for a miracle, he was praying for somebody to intervene in the tough decision that Paladin was forced to make. Paladin knew the decision that had to be made, but he didn't want to make it.


Paladin looked around the area of the golden pyramid, he was seemingly trying to see if there was anyone in sight that could do anything to stop Altlock. If there was, Paladin could make the decision he was forced into making easier.

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