Chapter 21

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Emmaly’s POV

I woke up, in the back of a car with two people, one on my left and on my right, both with black masks on. The driver said,” oh you’re up!” the guys next to me suddenly looked at me and I mumbled,” Who are you?” he said,” Well if I told you would you tell the cops?” I leaned my head against the seat and said,” depends on what you do to me.” He said,”really? Kidnapping isn’t enough.” I shrugged.

He said,” why don’t you go back to sleep.” I shook my head no, I said,” I’m not tired.” I looked out the window to my left, we were in a forest. I asked,” Why are we in a forest?”  he looked at me through the rear view mirror, and asked,” Do you get car sick?” I nodded, and said,” most of the time I just roll down the window and I’m better.”

He nodded and asked,” does that mean you need to switch spots with one of them?” I shrugged and said,” what do I call you guys? If you don’t tell me I will end up calling you ‘thing one’ and ‘thing two’ (from cat in the hat).” I looked at the guys next to me and they were glaring at me and I shrugged leaning back into my seat.

I was about to fall asleep when someone slapped my knee and I couldn’t help that startled scream that slipped past my lips. They all started laughing at me but getting laughed was nothing new to me. I said,” yes?” they looked at me and the one to my left didn’t stop laughing like everyone else, so I said,” oh shut up thing one!” he stopped laughing and glared at me, I just smirked.

Thing one said,” who said you could call me that?” I answered.” Told you if you didn’t give me a name what I would call you.” I yawned and the one to my right asked,” do you want to go for a walk there is a water fall not far.” I started bouncing up and down like a three year old and said,” Please, I want to run I haven’t had my morning run please.” They all looked at me and thing one asked,” You go fun runs?” I nodded and said,” I go on them every morning I normally go at four and get back at five-thirty in the morning and then I would sleep for another hour before I got up for school.”

Thing one said,” If I tell you my name or a nickname will you call me by that?” I nodded, he said,” call me Shane.” I nodded and looked at the one to my right,” Ryan.”  I smiled and said,” you can tell me your name too or I can call you taxi driver.” He glared at me and I smirked.

Ryan said,” well me and Emmaly are going up to the fall.” With that he pulled me out of the car and Shane followed. I asked,” can I please run?” he looked at me and then back at Shane but I didn’t then he looked back at me and nodded.

I took off running; I love the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair. I heard a growl and ran back to where I left them. My breath wasn’t even uneven, I said,” There is a bear.” They looked at me then nodded and started walking back in the direction of the car. The bear running in our direction I said,” Shane?” he looked at me and then said,” hey look a bear maybe we’re done with you.” I looked back at the bear.

I took off pushing my legs to go faster than they ever have, I got back to the car and shortly after me the boys got back and pushed me in the car. Ryan said.” Bear.” Both off their breathing were uneven but me no.

Shane asked,” how is your breathing even? How far do you run in the morning?” I smiled and said,” Normally twenty miles.” He looked shocked and then I sneaky grin came on his face. I complained,” I’m hungry.” Shane poked my stomach and said,” Really?” I nodded, and said,” Can we please get food?”

Ryan said,” You do realize you’re in sweat and a baggy shirt rite?” I looked and mumbled under my breath. I said,” then can we have the radio on please?” he shook his head no. I groaned, of course it is crowded just my luck.

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