Chapter 19

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Harry’s POV

The next morning, I heard, “you can’t just rust them again they left you like three fuckin times! Please don’t do this again.” I recognized that voice it was Morgan and here I was thinking that she actually liked us. Emmaly said,” I know but I-I don’t really know what to do.” I opened my eyes and watched them; they didn’t realize I was awake. Morgan said,” Wait, before you give them back your –“Emmaly cut her off,” THEY NEVER LOST MY TRUST!”

She fell to the ground crying and Morgan said,” yet, every other person can lose your trust as if it was nothing!” Emmaly said between sobs,” oh, yeah and where were they when I needed them most that is when anyone could have easily got their trust back.” Morgan said,” fine, stay with them bye.” With that she left. Emmaly looked at me and walked over to me.

She said,” Please, tell me now. Can I trust you?” I said,” of course.” I pulled her into a hug and sat down on the couch with her in my lap. Until she fell asleep but, shortly after I fell asleep.

Liam’s POV

Louis said,” Look at this!” he handed me a magazine and on the front page was Harry and Emmaly but Emmaly had a bloody face. It said want more turn to page 19 so I did and I saw pictures of a red head and Emmaly fighting.

I said,” of course, he would go to her he didn’t want to leave her or Morgan.” We all got tickets and headed back, to Emmaly.

Emmaly’s POV

I woke up; I was on top of Harry. I got off of him quickly but not quickly enough. Harry put his arms around my waist and pulled me back down and rolled over so he was on the edge while I was against the back of the couch.

He said,” You’re not trying to get away from me are you?” I nodded, his grip tightened around me and he pulled me closer if that was even possible and said,” Why, do you not like me?” I could hear the sarcasm, so I nodded and in a flat second I was on the bottom and he was on top of me.

He looked into my eyes and said,” Really?” I nodded. I have no idea what he was going to do but Louis walked in and said,” Sorry but I well we are here!” Harry said,” yeah, no kidding.” He got off of me and said,” this is not over I will not live with this.” I ran in a circle and then sat down with everyone staring at me so I jumped up and yelled,” FOR NARNIA!!!” I ran past them and jumped into the pool.

They all ran and jumped in too but harry said,” I want to jump off the diving board.” I yelled,” NO” they all looked at me and I said,” it’s about to break, I mean it can hold me but………..yeah” Harry said,” Are you calling me fat?”

I got of the pool and walked over to the diving board and pushed the end of it, the part over the water I pushed that to the side about two feet. I said,” it’s on the verged of breaking but because this place is stupid if it breaks I can’t get a new one, it’s illegal.” They looked at me so I shrugged and jumped off the diving board and right behind me was Harry. He pulled me under water and I looked him in the eye but didn’t move, I didn’t need to go up for air I can hold my breath for three minutes.

Harry pulled me into a hug but I had no idea so I went up for air. Harry pulled me back and smashed his lips to mine. I was shocked that I didn’t pull away or anything at least not until he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I pulled away from swam to the other side of the pool, staying under water the entire time. I got out and ran into the house and changed into black boy-shorts and a black bra. There was a knock on my door so I said,” one minute.” I put on black sweats and a popeye shirt and a black hoodie.

I opened the door harry stood there soaking but he was frowning. He said,” do you really not like me?” my eyes widened and I said,” no, harry I do trust me I like you, when you asked me earlier there was way too much confidence in your voice.”

He looked down at me and smiled. He said,” too much confidence?” I nodded, he pulled me against him and he whispered in my ear,” Are you sure? Maybe you like it.” I scoffed and moved away and ran around the yard. I was tackled to the ground; I looked up to see Louis, with a stupid grin on his face.

Louis said,” your it, love.” I said,” what?” he looked at like I was stupid. I pushed him off of me and got up, ran to Liam. I gave him a big hug and said,” your it.” He looked at and then a sneaky grin came on his face I backed away. I ran over to the walnut tree, I climbed up and realized I still didn’t have shoes.

I looked down to see a confused Harry and Liam. Harry said,” are you sure she went this way?” Liam said,” yes she took off running this way and it’s not like she could have gotten far she is bare foot.” I busted out laughing at that. They looked up at me and I said,” I could run across town barefoot.” They looked at me and harry said,” why don’t you come down and we all go get ice cream.”

 I smiled and Liam said,” Of course who doesn’t like ice cream?” I said,” me!” they looked at me and I smirked. I got down from the tree and harry threw me over his shoulder. He said, “Let’s go swimming!!!!” I smiled and harry ran to the pool and jumped in with me still over his shoulder.

 I was under water and harry pulled me into another hug. Then he pulled back slightly and smashed his lips to mine. When we pulled apart, we swam up and Louis pulled me out of the water. He said,” your grounded!!!” I said,” wait, what? Why?” he said,” you kissed harry.” I smirked and said,” he kissed me.” Louis yelled,” harry you two timing no good for nothing butthead!! We’re over” I laughed and Louis pushed me in the pool, which caused me to choke.

Then I fell asleep.


sorry i no its short but i will try and make up for it in the next chapter. the more you guys comment the more i will update




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