Art Room Anarchy

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Ryan's POV

As soon as I walked out of the shorus room, I was mobbed!! That girl that challenged me and her posey of friends. I was overwhelmed!

Me: Whoa!! Chill out! I'm a new student, not a celebrity!

Jacob: But you sure are sexy.

He bit his lips as me. I rolled my eyes and went to my locker. There was a guy next me me. He had lots of long curly hair. He started putting things in his locker and he dropped his drawing book. I bent down to pick it up. The guy seemed a little frustrated.

Me: You dropped this.

I held it out with both hands. He glared at me. "Thanks." He gritted through his teeth. He took the book. He looked away. I shrugged and went to grab my drawing book. My violin case was put away safely and I closed my locker. I found my way to the Art room.  It was on the more distant part of campus. I was walking alone down the hall, but a few moments later, I heard slightly heavy footsteps behind me. I walked a little faster. I'm a new and very Vonrable girl! I held my art book to my chest tightly. The person called to me. "Hey you!"  I started rambling! Was he even talking to me?  Does be know me? Is it that Jacob kid? I felt touch on my shoulder. I dared to turn around. It was that she head full of hair that was a little frustrated earlier.

Guy: Hi. Umm. I'm sorry about what happen a few minutes ago.

Me: Its fine.

Guy: Yes, I was taking to you. No, I'm not Jacob. Also, no, I don't know you.

Me: I really need to stop rambling out loud.

I was a little embarrassed. The guy chuckled.

Guy: I'm RayRay.

Me: I'm Ryan.

RayRay: I was upset because of Jacob actually. He acts like a little princess all the time.

Me:*laughs* That's not cool. 

RayRay: That's just who he is.

We walked and talked our way to the art room. The girl from chorus was there. I was about to wall over to her, but RayRay started holding my hand.

RayRay: Can you sit with me?

Me: Sure, but I wanna do something really fast. OK?

RayRay: Hurry back.

He winked at me and let go of my hand. I smiled and walked over to the girl from chorus.

Me: Hey! I never caught your name?

Girl: Me?

Me: Yes.

Girl: I'm Kiara Alexander.

I reached for a handshake.

Me: Ryan Styles. You have a beautiful voice.

She shook my hand.

Kiara: You do too!

Me: Can I sit with you here and at lunch?

Kiara: You wanna sit with me?

Me: You seem shocked. Is that bad?

Kiara: Well, I'm not very popular here so I was surprised.

Me: I don't care about that. I'm a friend for loyalty not popularity.

The bell sounded.

RayRay: Yo Ryan!

I looked over at him.

Me: I'm going to sit with Kiara.

He shrugged. I took a seat next to Kiara. Then three girls walked in.

One walked over to me and laughed.

Girl: Who are you?

Me: I'm Ryan.

Girl: That seat is for Britain not Ryan. Tye-dye has to do my work. Isn't that right?

I looked at Kiara and she nodded.

Me: She's not going to do your work and you need to find a new seat.

Britain: Who says?

Me: I do.

Kiara stood up. "I do too!" Britain looked at the other two girls and they charged at Kiara. I wasn't going to let this happen. I jumped over the table across front of Kiara.

Me: You're not going to hurt her.

The girls tried to grab me. I took a stand against them. (Kick boxing is really fun! By the way) I served out two roundhouse kicks and turned to Britain.

Me: Like I said, find a new seat or you will need some new teeth.

The class was silent. Britain glared at me and went a different seat. Kiara ran over abd hugged. She cried softly on my shoulder. I saw the bruises on her upper arms and neck. "You're going to fine. I will never let them bully you." She needed the reassurance. A few moments later, three men ran in. A policeman, a principal, and an assistant principal.

Principal Larry: Miss Ryan!

Policeman: Put your hands behind your back.

I let go of Kiara. She was in tears while the policeman read my rights.

Me: Then, arrest these girls for assault! They have beaten beating Kiara and none of these people have said anything!

Principal Larry: Kiara, is that true?

She nodded. We walked out with me, Britain and her crew in hand cuffs. Kiara was taken to the nurse. That was the last I saw of her.

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