Let's Do This

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India's POV

I wonder of they like me. I feel like I was kinda shrugged off at the party. I hope that's not the case. I am scared!

EJ: Bae. Bae!

Me: Yes!

I looked up at him. His eyes are light brown and so soothing.

EJ: You have been staring in your portfolio for the past ten minutes. Chill out.

Me: I know. But they aren't even friends yet! We only met them a few days ago. I'm scared that I'm not what they want.

EJ: Ray says that aren't harsh people. We just need to go in there with open minds.

Me: I'm overthinking, huh?

EJ: Yes. Just calm down.

Me: I will.

We pulled into the parking lot of the studio. There were more fancy cars in the lot. I'm really nervous now. We got out of the car and walked into the studio. EJ and I walked in hand and hand. We walked in and we we were warmly greeted by Siya and Eve.

Eve: Hey! You must be EJ and India.

Me: Yes, we are.

Siya: I'm one of the music mentors, Siya.

Eve: And I'm E-V-E.

Me: Is there an acting mentor by any chance?

Eve: There's two actually, Sophia and Will. Room Four.

Me: Thank you!

I kissed EJ on the cheek.

Me: I'll Catch you later.


I went down the hall to room 4. "Will Smith & Sophia Vegara"! WOW! This is going to be awesome! I Slowly opened the door. I closed the door and sat down. There was a girl with red long hair. She rolled her eyes.

Girl: So Unprofessional.

Oh. Geez....

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