Her Pain In Words

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Kiara's POV

After taking to the guidance counselors, I was allowed to leave school to see Ryan. She was so nice I couldn't leave her hanging. She had already been taken to the prison. She wore an orange jumpsuit and her hair was in a ponytail. She sat down at the booth and picked up the phone.

Ryan: Hey!

Me: Hey! How are you holding up?

Ryan: I'm fine. I'm here with some really nice girls. Well, either that or they f*** each other.

Me:*chuckles* I really came here to thank you. I would have never been able to stand up to them. I brought you some hygiene materials and they are all vanilla scented.

Ryan: Thanks! How'd you know I liked vanilla?

Me: Well, your dad stopped by the school to meet me. I gas know idea that your dad was Harry Styles! You're so lucky!

Ryan: Not really. He gets hit on by all the girls! From Ashley Tisdale to Zendaya and everyone in between!

Me: Really?

Ryan: But he finally settled down with Keke Palmer-Styles. But back on subject. Why do they bully you?

Me: That's a long story.

I looked away from her.

Ryan: Hey, I got 90 minutes to listens.

I smiled a little. No one had ever asked me to talk about myself. So I started from Day One of middle school.

I was an official middle school student! I was totally excited! I would finally met new people. I looked down at my schedule and smiled. Ms. Sunshine was my first period teacher. I was hoping that she would be that nice. I walked down the crowded hall. It was a mix of sixth, seventh, and eighth graders down the hall. I was pushed around and tried to find my way through to my locker. 226. I still remember it to this day. Firstly, it was my birth date. Secondly, I was right next to the cutest guy ever, an eighth grader named Jacob Perez. I loved him! He was everything that I wanted a boyfriend to be. But then again. He was in eighth grade. I was waiting for my best friend, Bia. She and I had known each other since we were babies. She walked over to me. She had braces with bright blue rubber bands and the most awesome black framed glasses. She she smiled at me.

Bia: You're so lucky!

Me: Not really! I don't have the guts to speak to him!

Bia: Well, hey. I made some new friends. Britain and Prodigy.

Me: Prodigy? What kind of name is that?

Bia: A cool one! I got us in with some cool kids.!

We jumped around and shrieked.

Me: No way!!

Bia: Way! We are all going to sit at lunch together. We are in!

Me: But I have to survive the first part of the day.

Bia: You will. Its so easy!

Me: Whatever you say! Get to class before you are late.

Bia: I will. See you later.

Me: Bye.

She walked away. I closed my locker and realized how bare the hall was!

Me: I'm going to be late!

I started to walk away from my locker. I felt someone grab my wrist.

Me: Hey!

I turned around and it was w really hot guy! Hot banana! He smiled brightly at me. It was a prefect white smiled.

Guy: It's fine of your late. Your teacher won't mind.

He pulled me close to him. He placed his other hand at the base of my spine. I shivered.

Me: I have to get to class. I'm sorry.

I escaped his grip and walked quickly to class. I walked into class as the bell rang. A tall and thin woman stood there. She was a fair skinned woman with a wine lipstick and big eyelashes. A smiled formed on her face. Her cheeks were a rosy pink. "You must be Kiara Alexander," she said brightly, "I'm Ms.Sunshine. You sit behind Britain Alan." She raised her hand. Britain looks older than me by three years. I was only twelve at time. I walked past her and stepped on her foot on accident.

Britain: Ouch!!

Me: I'm so sorry!

Britain:*grumbles* Just move, runt.

I swallowed hard and sat down.  After that, class went relatively smoothly. But it was once I walked out that problems erupted. "Hey, runt!" It was Britain.

Me: Uh. I'm Kiara. I'm sorry for stepping on your foot.

Britain: It doesn't matter! Look, watch your step OK? I am wearing $200 dollar Versace sandals! I don't need you ruining first day outfits!

Me: I'm so so sorry.

Britain knocked down my books and walked away. This went on for a few days. It turns out that Bia was becoming really close with Britain. Over a few weeks, Bia stopped texting me like normal. By eighth grade, I was being physically beaten by Britain and her friends. Bia quit being her friend after that, but she never came and spoke to me.

Me: I always thought it was my fault. Now that I hear myself talking, I was just scared.

Ryan: I did that for you. That scary little art teacher should have spoke up! Please wipe your eyes.

I grabbed a tissue and wiped my eyes.

Ryan: I'm your guardian now. No one is coming between us. Got it?

Me: Why are you so nice to me?

Ryan: Why wouldn't I be? Playing the violin to accompany your song made me feel the friendship. It was a natural friendship! Why would I go against nature?

She balled her fist and pressed it on the mirror. I smiled through my tears. I did the same.

Me: Thank you.

Ryan: You're welcome. I'm doing this for the both of us, OK?

I nodded. I couldn't help my smiling. I saw a guard come in behind her.

Guard: Your father paid your bond. We need you to come with me.

Ryan: I'll see you tomorrow at school.

Me: OK! Bye!

She saluted me. I guess I could give her the gift basket tomorrow.

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