Office Hours

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I went down to the Studio before the others started getting there. I walked in and there was a girl sitting behind the front desk. She had long brown hair and pretty hazel eyes. She had smooth caramel skin. Her eyes popped up at me in a sense of excitement.

Girl: Oh Gosh! You're RayRay!

Me:*smiles* Yes, I am.

She held up her phone and there was a Twice Case on it.

Girl: I found your website and it all kinda snowballed from there. I'm Dyamond by the way.

She stood up and reached for a hand shake. I shook her hand and gently kissed it. Dyamond smiled.

Me: It's nice to meet you. You look familiar. Have we met before?

Dyamond: You know my little sister, Ryan.

Me: Little sister?

Dyamond: Yep. We don't share the same father.

Me: But you both are still beautiful.

Dyamond: You have beautiful hair. I would kill for locks like yours.

Me: I get that a lot.

Dyamond: I see.

I heard someone clear their throat. It was Ryan.

Ryan: I see you've met my sister.

Me: Yes, she's very sweet.

Dyamond: Don't flatter me! I'm just happy to be here.

Ryan: Well, are you ready to work, Ray?

Me: Yes, but I need a muse.

Ryan: The model hasn't arrived yet. She's running late.

Me: Why don't you model from me?

Ryan: Me?

I smiled at her kindly. She was a little startled.

Ryan: I can't. I have to get the others settled.

Dyamond: Do it! I can handle the masses.

Ryan: Are you sure?

Dyamond: Sis, I worked at Best Buy on BlackFriday! I can handle getting people settled into their corners.

Ryan: OK. Let's go.

She left down the hall. I looked at Dyamond.

Me: thank you.

Dyamond: You're welcome. I saw the twinkle in your eye when you asked her to be your muse. She must really inspire you.

Me: She does.

Dyamond: Don't keep her waiting! She's made your work space special.

Me: OK.

I followed Ryan. She led me to a large room. There was a large window letting in lots of natural light. Ryan looked so beautiful in that light.I smiled at her.

Me: Your sister is sweet.

Ryan: She is, but sometimes it distracts her from work.

Me:*laughs* I see.

Ryan:*smiles* Ready to get started.?

Me: Yeah! I need to figure out how I want you.

Ryan started laughing. I slapped my forehead.

Me:*embarrassed* Not like that!

Ryan:*laughing* I know.



I've been writing other stories. If you haven't been reading them, you really should!





Love ya! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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