Party Night

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The party started pouring in. RayRay as a clown. Princeton as a hippie. Roc as a Floyd Mayweather. Prodigy as himself.  EJ as a lobster. EJ's girlfriend, India, as a Sexy Catwoman  They all showed up at the same time. Princeton walked in and bite his lips at Kiara. She was dressed as Poison Ivy.

Princeton: You look wonderful, Kiara.

She rolled her eyes.

Kiara: This is coming from the egotistic, perverted guy from high school. Just go inside.

Princeton: Stop being so mean!

Kiara: Why? You never stopped being mean to me.

India came over.

India: Kiara, right?

Kiara: Yeah.

India: I heard you at Siya's studio room. You killed it in there!

Kiara: Thank you!  I love your costume!

India: I love yours ! They kinda fit together!

Kiara: Then, you need to go see Ryan's!

India: KK!

India walked away to find Ryan. Princeton rolled his eyes at Kiara.

Kiara: What?

Princeton: We should spend some time together.

Kiara: I'll pass.

She walked away. Mack walked in holding hands with Bia. Bia was dressed as a sexy maid and Mack was a Butler. Go figure. He walked past Ryan. She was talking to Wiz Khalifa, who as dressed as Chucky.

Mack: Hey.

Ryan looked at him.

Wiz: Who's that, bae?

Mack: "Bae?"

Ryan: Wiz, mack. Mack, Wiz.

Wiz: Who's the girl?

Bia: Bia. His girlfriend.

Ryan: I really wasn't slutty enough for him.

Bia: Excuse me?

Ryan: I'm sorry. There's some chocolate eyes over there since you're use to choking on balls.

Kiara walked over to Ryan and Bia.

Kiara: Britian is here.

Ryan: She never misses a party.  Let's get everyone into the show room.

Ryan and Kiara got everyone to sit in the show room. They walked on the stage. Each with a Mic in hand.

Ryan: Hi everyone. Thanks for coming to this party. Its a little impromptu.

Kiara: OK. Before anyone gets too drunk, we are going to play a game.  Its a game based on fun. Everyone will get a Nerf gun. Each time you get hit, you take a shot.

Ryan: Each time you get a new set of darts, you take two shots. Got it?

Princeton: Where at the darts?

Ryan: Find them! Games starts now.

Ryan and Kiara let out a huge wave a darts. The whole party had already taken one shot. After 139 shots of Vodka, Grey Goose, and moonshine, just about everyone was pushing tipsy. Ryan and Kiara had invited some of their beautiful friends to string the drinks of Princeton, Britian, Bia, Roc, Mack, and Prodigy. They were all in an extreme daze.

Kiara: How's everyone doing?

The party roared.

Ryan: We have a little emergency to handle so everyone get home safely.

Once the able drivers were gone, that left a few people behind. Kiara and Ryan fairly got there revenge.


Good or no?

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