Chapter 17- Mr. Jacobs

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I bit my lip as tears gathered in my eyes.

Grace couldn't be dead.

If Grace dies, who knows what Page'll do.

And I can't lose Page, too.

And, at this point, Grace might as well already have married Page.

After them dating for 4 years, she's basically become another daughter to me.

Seeing her like this kills me.

Not to mention my daughter that just passed out because she hasn't eaten in 2- almost 3- weeks.

But Page was going to be fine. Grace, on the other hand...


Finally, the heart rate monitor began beeping again.

I sighed in relief.

I took a seat next to Grace's still body.

"I know you're in a coma, but...if you can somehow control waking up...please wake up. Page hasn't eaten because she's been so worried about you. She has only had water if someone brought it to her. She hasn't left this room, hardly ever left this chair. She needs you. And I need you too. You're like my second daughter. You're my little girls fiancé. I care about you, too. And, I know your parents haven't been very great to you, but, I hope I can be the good parent you never got. Please, Grace."


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