Chapter 10- Grace

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I smiled as I blasted Out For Blood (Sum 41) on my speakers and got high with my best friend, Jane (in real life she had killed herself 4 years ago).

She laughed and snorted more coke.

This life was so perfect.

It had been a week already and it had everything I could ever want.

But it felt like something was missing.

I don't know what, but something.


Nah, this life has everything, there's no way it could leave out anything important.

I went back to my cocaine.

Jane giggled and drank more of the beer in her hand.

"Y'know, G, I've liked you since I met you." She laughed drunkenly (and stoned.)

"You have?" I took another swig of the whiskey bottle.

"Yeah. 7th grade. I was perfectly straight before you." She joked, poking my chest.

"Well that explains why I've never seen you act straight." I laughed.

"Shut up, you beautiful bitch."


"Jane?" I asked, all laughter gone from my voice.


"Why did you kill yourself?"

"... Because."

"But why? You had been doing so well."

"I was until you met that girl."

"What girl?"

"Whatsherface. Emo, green hair, dark red lipstick."

That sounded familiar.

"I have no idea who you're talking about." I shook my head.

"You stopped that bitch Veronica from stealing her clothes in gym class."

"...Not ringing a bell."

"I can't remember her name..."

"Amy? No. Amanda? No. Ashley? No."

"Hehe those are all Green Day songs." I giggled.

"Page? No, that's a stupid name."

"J, just give up. You're not gonna remember. And neither am I."

She sighed.

"Fine. You're too beautiful to argue with."

I laughed.

That sounded so familiar...


Emo, green hair, dark red lipstick...


I shook the thought away. I was being crazy. Jane was stoned and drunk. There's no way she was telling the truth.

...Or was she?

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