The Surprise

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Two month has gone by, and everything seemed normal. Ylva has thought about Hiccup and the time they spent together. She had to get herself back to taking care of her animals and small farm. The spring has come in somewhat sweetly. No harsh second winter, no freezing ice, and no hard rain. That seemed odd to Ylva since it almost snowed most of the year, but she didn't complain since she could store more food for the winter. She smiled as she was watering her plants. Then she felt ill, her stomach started to turn. Ylva turned away from her plants and threw up. That seemed weird, maybe she caught a bug? Dreamchaser walked over to her and nuzzled her. Making sure she was okay. "I'm okay girl. I must have ate something that didn't agree with me. I'll drink some mint tea." Ylva walked into her home to make some tea. Dreamchaser gave her a look as if she knew what was going on. As Ylva walked over to the door with tea in her hands, she looked around as she sipped her tea. She knew she needed to go back to the village for some things that needed to be picked up. She didn't want to see Hiccup. She didn't want to cause problems in his life. She sipped her tea till it was gone then looked at Dreamchaser. "You think we should go to the village today or tomorrow?" Dreamchaser looked at the village then back at her. "I guess you are right better to get it done today then push it off anymore." She walked over to grab Dreamchaser saddle. She started to get her ready and put more bags on her this time. She climbed on her back and flew to the village. She looked around as she landed. It seemed like the village was quiet, and everyone was gone. As she climbed down she walked to Gobber's  blacksmith. She looked in there to find Gobber's dragon asleep and a note. It said 'Gone to a wedding.' If the village was this quiet it must mean Hiccup is getting married. She felt her heart drop or break. She knew this was the best for him. She walked around to grab the things she needed and left payment. As she was about to head out she saw the old woman. It was Gothi, she looked like she needed help. Ylva walked over and helped her with the stuff she dropped. Gothi looked shocked as the witch everyone called Ylva was young and helpful. Ylva smiled at her. Gothi studied her then one of her hands grabbed Ylva's face. Shocked Ylva didn't move, as Gothi moved her face side to side. Gothi looked into Ylva's eyes and her eyes widen. Gothi saw a glow in Ylva. A glow only a woman that would bare a child would have. Gothi let go of Ylva, watching her. Ylva slowly backed up and walked away not knowing what to do. She hopped on Dreamchaser and flew off. Gothi still staring at her.


I got married to Astrid today. I tried to look happy. I mean she was my childhood crush, but I feel heart broken over Ylva. I could understand why she didn't want to come back, but I wish she would try. I held Astrid's hand as we started to walk to the main hall. There was going to be a feast. Astrid was talking to her parents as she was happy as she could be. I looked around to see Gothi. I got up and walked over to her. It seemed odd she was still down here after she married me and Astrid. "Something wrong Gothi?" She made a wave with her hand telling me to follow her. I did as Gobber did as my mother followed. Gothi started to write in the dirt. Gobber would say what she was writing. "Seems the witch came into town. Oh Ylva came to town. Darn it I missed her." Gothi hit Gobber on the head. "Ow alright! I get it!" She wrote in the dirt more. "Seems that Ylva is changing. She has a glow to her." Gobber's eyes widen. Valka's eyes widen and looked at Gobber. The both knew, but Hiccup seem clueless. "So she is happy?" He said. Gobbler and Valka didn't want to ruin his wedding day. They both nodded and he walked away.

~Gobber and Valka~

"So a young viking must have caught her heart?" Gobber said. Valka shook her head. I just flew over there last week and she was still alone. Gobber nod, "Why didn't we ever bring her into the village?" Valka sighed. "My love needed to protect her when someone killed her family. So he hid her in the forest and in her own little house. He died before he could bring her to the village." Gobber nodded. "Everytime she would visit it seemed like a bad omen." Valka looked at the door, "How she got witch instead of being welcomed with open arms. Now she needs someone more then ever and no one here will accept her." Gobber looked then said, "Well we could help her and with a little luck we could find out who the father is." The both agreed, but will keep it quiet.


He had lied telling the village, that him and Toothless took shelter in a cave. They survived the winter in this cave and Toothless would go out and get food. He didn't want to tell the village that the witch took him in. He didn't want to risk her life. He had seen how they treated her just talking to Gobber. They think Gobber is cursed but didn't say anything. He smiled at Astrid as they started to walk home. Tonight was going to be a night she wouldn't forget. Just like that night he had with Ylva.


She sat at her table eating her food, but it seemed like her stomach wasn't accepting anything she ate. She sighed then started to think. She hasn't bled in two months going on three, she got sick this morning, and can't seem to hold some food down. Her eyes widen, she couldn't be could she. Her body hasn't changed to much, other then her top half feeling heavier the normal. She sighed, she knew she was carrying Hiccup's child. That's why Gothi was looking at her the way she was. Ylva didn't know what to do now. She looked at Dreamchaser who nuzzled her. She looked out the window and wonder if she should tell Hiccup.

The Witch (Hiccup x OC)Where stories live. Discover now