Annie went to Los Angels and Hayden was dating Annie and Annie was in MaryLand and Caleb knows that she has a boyfriend and he's mad at Annie and he died and Annie was really sad and her life was great and how could this happen to her life and Caleb...
Annie's plot— it been two years later and me and Hayden are still together and my outfit of the day is...
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And this is my outfit! I walked downstairs and I got breakfast and I ate and heard sounds coming from the stairs—
Lauren-hey sis! Annie-hey! Lauren-hello Rosaleen! Rosaleen-waaaaa •makes baby noises• gahahahaha gaggagaa waaaa! Annie-LAUREN! Lauren-WHAT!? Annie-why did you make Rosaleen cry! Hayley-Lauren did what! Annie-made Rosa cry! •short name for Rosaleen• Hayley-I'm calling mum! Annie-she's at work! Lauren-I didn't do it! Annie-DADDY!! Billy-yes girls? Hayley-Lauren made Rosa cry! Billy-Lauren how could you?!? Rosa never cried before! Since she came out! Lauren-sorry?! Hayley's Plot-I heard a knock at the door and I opened it and saw Hayden with a rose and chocolate and a teddy bear with R+A Hayley-who is this for? Hayden-for Rosa and Annie! And the rose and the chocolate is for Annie and the teddy bear is for Rosa! Annie-babe! Hayden-hey baby! This is for you! •gives the rose and the chocolate• where's Rosa? Annie-in her room! Hayden-cool! •goes in and walks to Rosa's room• Rosaleen-gagagaga dada •makes baby noises• Hayden-I'm not your dada, and this is for you, Rosa! •hands it and she takes it and she giggles a little• Hayden's plot-I smiled at her and I heard voice from the door and I turned around and saw Annie and smiling and she walked in and walks to me and she wraps her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist— Annie-I heard she called you dada! Hayden-yeah •smiles at her• Annie-anyways we need to go to school! •takes his hand• daddy me and Lauren and Hayden going! Billy-bye guys! Have an wonderful day! Hayley-dad? Billy-yes Hayley? Hayley-when can I go to school? When I'm not homeschooled! Billy-your going tomorrow! Hayley-YESSSSS! Billy-Hayley shhh, Rosa is asleep! Hayley-oops sorry...•goes to the kitchen and gets a snack and runs to my room• Hayley's Plot-I wish I could go today! I can't wait for tomorrow! Ugh! I hate this! I ate my snack and I felt a tear rolling down my face, I took out a picture of me and mum, my tears were dropping down as fast as it can...I relaxed my eyes and feel asleep as I fell asleep I suddenly heard the door open.... Billy's Plot-I saw Hayley, sleeping like my princess always is...I smiled at myself and walked out of her room and closed her door a little without making noises...