Annie went to Los Angels and Hayden was dating Annie and Annie was in MaryLand and Caleb knows that she has a boyfriend and he's mad at Annie and he died and Annie was really sad and her life was great and how could this happen to her life and Caleb...
Annie's plot- The next day I woke up with Hayden next to me I was smiling, I guess we made out...I doubt his arm is around me I was pleased seeing Hayden in my bed and I stroke his curly hair and he wakes up from the touching and he saw me and he smiled at me and that smile made me more happy!
Hayden-morning babygirl! Annie-morning! Hayden-I see you smiling at me and stroking my hair huh? •pulls her closer to me• Annie-yeah! •smiles•
Hayden's plot- I got up and I had no shirt on I doubt that Annie is blushing like tomato and I said this
Hayden-baby can you not stare at my abs or whatever your staring at? Annie-sorry... •goes super red and turns into a tomato• Hayden-your cute...•smiles•
Annie-thanks babe! I got to the bathroom and brushed my teeth! Makeup:
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I got out the bathroom and Hayden's jaw dropped and he ran to me and he said this
Hayden-your so cute!
Annie-thanks babe!
Walks to my closet and picked out an outfit and goes to the bathroom and wears it
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Annie's plot- I came out of the bathroom and Hayden's jaw dropped again and he kind of blushed and smirks at me and he smiled too and I smiled back and I sat down on my hair dresser my chair and I did my hair!
Hair looks:
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Annie's plot- I got up and smiled at Hayden and wraps my arms around Hayden's neck and we stared at each other for a moment and we smiled and we leaned in and we kissed and Hayden's hands were on my waist and after 20 minutes we pulled away slowly and smiled and I letted Hayden's neck go and he did too I was really happy with Hayden and I'm glad I'm! And after the car accident he was better or I can say more better!
Hayden's outfit:
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Annie's plot- we walked to school and everyone was staring at Hayden because he's popular of course they would and he's a bad boy but but but he's good at love! And he wouldn't date the other girls because he had a crush on me for ages now! I waved goodbye to Hayden and we kissed for 20 minutes of course we would and after that we pull away and we walked to our friends and I went to my locker first and I didn't had friends but I hangout with Hayden if I want to! I got out my books and then someone wrapped their arms on me and leaning on my neck and it touched my skin of my neck I gasped
Hayden-hello baby...•pulls away from her neck• Annie's plot-I was relief that was Hayden! Because I don't want any boys touching me!
Annie-hey! Hayden-wanna walk class together? Because we have one class together and that is math... Annie-sure! Annie's plot- We walked to our class and saw the teacher crying and we giggled a little bit and we sat down and me and Hayden don't sit together in that class but today we are getting sitting plans where are we going to sit and the class was packed with students and our teacher came in
Miss Lisse- hello class today you will be sitting somewhere else! Okay! Matt and Brooke, Annie and Cole, Hayden and Carson, Al- Hayden-I can move? Miss Lisse-sorry you can't! Hayden-whatever asshole •rolls eyes and looks at Annie and she smiled and I smiled back and I groan• Miss Lisse-on my list Alex and Maddison, Riley and Caden, Dylan and Jenna, Lora and Loren, Lauren and Johnny, Alex- Annie-miss? Miss Lisse- yes Julianna? Annie-can I have a hall pass please? Miss Lisse- yes you can go and hurry up Julianna! Annie's plot- I got up and walked out and ran into the bathroom and cried
Annie-I miss you Caleb! I miss you Caleb! •cries then hears talking and I got up and fixed my eyeliner and my mascara• Ruby-OMG you asshole! Annie-sorry I was just leaving... Jennifer-Stay away from hayden! Annie-I won't! He's my boyfriend! Anyways I have to go! •walks out and pulls my hair back of my ear and walked in class and went straight to my desk• Miss Lisse-that took you so long! What took you so long? Julianna! Hayden's plot-Annie stayed quiet and putted her head on the desk and lifts her head up and she saw me looking at her and I turned to the teacher and the teacher carried on talking and we all got up and I went to Carson and rolled my eyes and I sat by him-
Annie's plot- I got up and I sat by Cole, he was smiling at me I didn't smile back because I know he's a player but cute! What I am saying? I have a boyfriend who's more sexier than him! Ugh I'm so annoying! After class I saw Kenzie kissing Hayden and I saw Hayden trying to push her away and I walked up to them and pushed Kenzie and went to Hayden
Annie-don't ever kiss my man! Kenzie-so what? Annie-I hate you! Hayden-let's go babe!