Annie went to Los Angels and Hayden was dating Annie and Annie was in MaryLand and Caleb knows that she has a boyfriend and he's mad at Annie and he died and Annie was really sad and her life was great and how could this happen to her life and Caleb...
Annie-hey bunnyboo! Hayden-hey sweetheart! •saying while putting my phone in my jacket• Annie-hunnyboo? Hayden-yes? Annie-can we go on a special date??? I'm busy today...maybe tomorrow •kisses her forehead• see you later babygirl! Annie-awwe! Hayden-sorry babe •lifts her chin up and kisses her lips and she kisses back and I pulled her closer, we pulled away• I need to go now see you at break! Annie-oh...ok.. •walks away then turns around and sees Brennan and I wided up my eyes• BRENNAN! Brennan-Annie?... Annie-it has been a long time...! Brennan-yeah! Katie-hey...! Annie-Katie? Mia-hey Ann's! Annie-you stalked me! It's on YouTube! Mia-I'm sorry...wanna be friends again...? Hayden's plot-As I walked downstairs, I walked to my locker and saw Annie freaking out and I walked up to her and leaned against her neck and my lips were touching her neck and I wrapped my arms around her stomach even her waist and she gasped— Hayden-hey babygirl... Annie-not AGAIN! You scared me to death! •kisses his cheek, pulls away from kissing his cheek• hey babe!
Story girl-oh yeah the outfit of the day!
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Hayden-really? •chuckles• Annie-yeah •guffaws•
Story girl-if u don't know what is guffaw means a loud and hearty laugh. noun noun: guffaw; plural noun: guffaws synonyms: hearty laugh, loud laugh, roar of laughter, hoot of laughter, shriek of laughter, peal of laughter, belly laugh "his joke brought a great guffaw from the youth" guffaw; 3rd person present: guffaws; past tense: guffawed; past participle: guffawed; gerund or present participle: guffawing...yeah! Back to the 📖! Hayden-your cute when you guffaws! Brennan-who are u? Hayden-I'm Hayden Summerall, Annie's boyfriend! Brennan-you don't deserve her! I do! Annie-He deserve me! And you don't! Hayden-thanks babe! Annie-no problem! Katie-Ann's! Mia-come on! Brennan is right! Julianna's plot- I looked down...then to Hayden and walked to Brennan and hold his hand and Hayden looks at me in "how could you" and he walked away and threw the dating bracelet at me and he carried on walking...i looked down...and smiled at Brennan!
Hayden's plot-I walked away...I was very sad, I couldn't believe it that she picked Brennan over me... Annie-Brennan it's my f- Brennan-it's not! Annie-it is! Hayden was the only thing I had, in my life, not you...and Nothing always stays the hurts when you realize you aren't as important to someone who's walking away from their own girlfriend! And Brennan...this hurted his feelings that I hold your hand and he just walked away and I love him not you and I think I made a mistake! Sorry!
Annie's plot-I ran to the girls bathroom and cried and I curled up like a ball and cried and even more harder then I stopped crying and i saw Hayden turned into stone
Story girl-it's my idea and it's fake! Annie's plot-even my friends...I sang a song called my once upon a time...
Story girl-it's from a movie and I will add my own lyrics to it!
Annie-Here you are alone, and you deserve it Your friends have turned to stone And that's on you You had a cause to serve but did you serve it? Or did you see yourself in a way that wasn't true?