Annie went to Los Angels and Hayden was dating Annie and Annie was in MaryLand and Caleb knows that she has a boyfriend and he's mad at Annie and he died and Annie was really sad and her life was great and how could this happen to her life and Caleb...
Annie ♡ Hayden! Hayden 💓 yeah? Annie ♡ so today I heard that Rosie and Anna fell apart they are not friends anymore! I was like WTF! Hayden 💓 Babe look I don't care! Annie ♡ Well you should care about my friend! Summer ❤︎ Did you know Rosie and Anna aren't friends anymore? Fatma ❦ What the fuck, no way! Rebeca ⺗ What, why! What happened between them two, they were so close together! Alissa Apparently that Anna was sending rude things about Rosie and I don't believe that but Anna wouldn't do such that thing, right?? Hayden Well I don't think so Alissa right baby? Annie Yeah baby, that's totally right, she wouldn't do that to her best friend, AND ROSIE MAYBE USED HER!! I just don't get it but Anna hates when people uses her for betrayal, now I- i- i- don't know...but everything changes so quickly and never stops changing, what if we can stop this changing thing and everything can go slow and smooth not fast...but it can't change because it's impossible to stop! Right guys? All of them-We don't know how we can do that Ann's. It's too impossible and really hard to stop everything from changing. Hayden-Yeah baby, lets just go to lunch. I'm so hungry! Annie Okay I'll be there in a second! Kenzie- Now it's my chance to kiss Hayden •thinks in her head•
In the dinner room, they got their food and they go look for a table for them to sit Hayden-Guys we can sit here! They all followed Hayden Rayann- Hello mildlys Lauren-ewww not ur type, I have a boyfriend so bug off you wierdo Kenzie-Hello haybae! Hayden-Hey Kenz! •nervously• Kenzie kisses Hayden and Hayden kisses back.
Annie walks in and gets her food and walks towards to them and sees Kenzie and Hayden kissing
Annie's Plot- My heart fell into pieces and I was heartbroken that Hayden was kissing back....I dropped my food and it started spreading and I ran to the bathroom and Hayden pulls away and sees me running away
Hayden-Annie WAIT UP!!
Annie's plot- I continued running and I finally got to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and cried my eyes outta...I was so heartbroken and hurtful and all the emotions I felt, it really hurts, I cried more...I don't believe that he cheated on me in front of me...Why me? Why me? It's always me. Am I ugly? Am i not prettier enough for him? Am I acting like a baby? Am I too stupid to be in love? Am I ugly fat girl girl? I had so may questions to ask Hayden, but it doesn't even come out of my mouth, i just mess up with saying these questions about me, Why did he kiss her? Why today? Why are they kissing?... I just wanna die, I kept thinking all these bad thoughts over again, and wtf! I sang a song called Play Nice I got up and pushed the door and it slammed, really loudly that everyone could run and see what's happening, I narrowed my eyebrows and I looked at Kenzie Annie-Hush my loves now don't you lie •walks to Kenzie• Karma's got a way of making things right
Hayden-Annie let me explain! Annie-Hush my loves now don't you lie! Kenzie gasps Annie-I might look sweet but I don't play nice •evil laughs•
At home, in her bedroom, she lied down
Annie-I can hear them talking in my sleep
Hayden-I can't believe you Kenzie! Why?! Kenzie-because I had a crush on you!
Annie-Got one eye open while I'm listening
The next day, in school, at Kenzie's locker
Kenzie-What has gotten into you annkin?!
Annie-They think that they know me, got me figured out
Hayden-Anns what are u talking about? Annie-But they don't know anything that I am about Lauren- I have a bad feeling about this Hayden! Annie-And when I get the chance I'll say so sweetly Hayden-Say what Annie? Annie-Hush my loves now don't you lie •puts my finger on Hayden's lips• Hush my loves now don't you lie, If you think your words aren't nice They all backed away from Annie
To be continued...oh yeah thanks for 1.05k reads!
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