Annie went to Los Angels and Hayden was dating Annie and Annie was in MaryLand and Caleb knows that she has a boyfriend and he's mad at Annie and he died and Annie was really sad and her life was great and how could this happen to her life and Caleb...
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Ignore the face...I was using FaceApp, that what he will look like when he get old! If ur a fan of Hayden please ignore the face! I got bored so I used FaceApp to see how Hayden will look like when he get old lol....SOS! Annie-I'm going to meet up with Hayden! Rosaleen-as always...! Annie-oh shut up! •rolls eyes• Hayden-hey baby!!! Annie-please leave me ALONE!! Kenzie-whoa girl!! Annie-Hayden ur cheating on me! With Kenzie! Hayden-what!!! Hayden's Pov-how did she know??? That was long time ago, what??? I'm confused! We walked to school! Annie's plot-I ran to the girls bathroom and locked my self in the toilet and cried and cried more harder then I received a text from Jayden Bartels on Instagram, I smiled and I replied Jayden Bartles *Hey ox* Annie Leblanc *hey jay ox* Jayden Bartles *Hayden didn't cheat on you, he was with Kenzie long time ago when you came ox* Annie Leblanc *oh...I'm going to talk to him and say sorry thanks ox* Jayden Bartles *no problem ox*
******Annie Leblanc is offline******** Annie-hey Hayden... Hayden-oh hey... Annie-sorry for thinking that you cheated on me with Kenzie... Hayden-it's okay... Annie-okay...•kisses him• Hayden's plot-I kissed back and we kept kissing then it turned out a sex and I picked her up and walked to boys bathroom and locked the door that nobody can't get in Annie-OOOOOOOOOO AHHHHHHHH UGHHHHHH OOOOO YESSSSS DADDY HARDER HARDER Hayden-you sure babe? Annie-YESSSSSS! Hayden- okay! •does harder•
Annie's plot- I took off Hayden's jacket then his shirt and he took my shirt and my bra and my jeans and he kissed my neck roughly
We went further
***After sex*** Annie-wow that was great Hayden-heh yeah Annie-okay let's go to class Hayden-alright We went to different class Miss Lildard-JULIANNA YOUR LATE! Annie-sorry miss...I had to do something
To Hayden in his class
Miss Ayala- SUMMERALL YOUR LATE! Hayden-erm I was with my girl, we were talking a lot and didn't hear the bell ring! •makes a lie face• 😬• sorry miss... Miss Ayala-go and sit down! Hayden-yes miss Carson- dude stop being late! Hayden-don't tell me what to do! Johnny-You and Annie are like the cutest couple in the entire school or earth! Hayden-so if we are the "cutest" doesn't mean you have to boss me around!Annie is the thing why we are being the cutest couple! I don't understand why you guys are into me and my girl! Jayden-you guys always act like a married couple! I think that's super cute! I wish you can be like that forever! And Hayden have you ask Annie out on a date yet? Hayden-not yet...I'm still thinking what should I do on her locker.. Kenzie-put a Flower and fairylights and a card saying will you go on a date with me! Hayden-that's perfect! All of the gang-WHAT! Miss Ayala-SHHH! All of the gang-sorry... Hayden-if i do what Kenzie said, she will say yes! Kenzie-then do it, what are you waiting for!?! Hayden-I will at break! Annie knocks at the door Miss Ayala-come in! Annie comes in Miss Ayala-yes? Annie-my teacher sent me here to do my test Miss Ayala-what test? Annie-math Miss Ayala-okay sit in the back please, what's your teachers name? Annie-Miss Lildard Miss Ayala-okay I will e-mail her saying that your here to take a math test Annie-okay •goes to the back and does the test•
It's me-btw Hayden is sitting next to her- Johnny-dude... Hayden-what? Kenzie-are going to do it? Annie looks at Hayden and smiles then back at my test Hayden-yeah ofc I love her, guys I need your help! Carson-we are on it! Hayden-thanks guys! •looks at Annie and smiles and she looks back and smiles at me then at her test• Lauren-ugh! SUMMERALL CAN YOU DATE ME! Miss Ayala-Lauren LeBlanc! Shhhhh! Lauren-whatever •rolls eyes• Hayden-hey Annie •whispers in a hot voice• Annie-hey babe...•whispers back• Hayden puts his hand on her thigh and she smiles and carries on her test