[1] Beginning

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Hi. My name is Melody Lyric Morales and I'm related to Gabriel Morales from IM5. Yes I know, Great life huh? Yeah not so much. My brother is always out on tour with his band, my mom is always on business trips, and I have no friends. Well except for one, but hes on a trip for 1 more week. So I'm alone all the time watching movies, going on walks with my dog Ginger, and other things. I live in LA, My favorite color is teal, blahh. Well on with the storrryy! 

~Melody's POV~
"Ughh" I said. Now I had to get up outta bed just to answer this stupid phone. 
Phone Convo
(Mom is Italic, Melody is Bold)
Yes mom?
I'm going to have to stay after at work today cause they need me. So you'll have the house to yourself until around 8. Okay sweetheart?
Yes mom. But I'm going to take Ginger for a walk so bye, Love you.
Okay sweetie. Bye love you. Be careful. 
End of phone convo
This isn't anything new, mom is always staying after, but I still love her and all she does to help this family. Well now that I'm up, why not get ready? So I took a shower, curled my hair, done my makeup, and got dressed in a teal crop top with white skinny jeans and teal chuck taylors plus my favorite necklace that I wear everyday, my half heart necklace that my brother Gabe gave me. I went downstairs and got me an apple and got the leash for Ginger. "Come on Ginger, Lets go for a walk!" He came running downstairs and we walked out the door with me locking it.
We were walking down the street when I seen a park. "Great," I thought, "My feet are killing me." When we got there, I sat down on the bench and was petting Ginger when I got hit with a foot ball. "Oww" I said holding my head.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Are you okay?" I look up and see the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.
"Uhh, Umm," I was speechless.
"Here, Let me help you" He said. "Can I check your head?"
He checked my head and said, "It doesnt look too serious but you might want to take it easy on your head. By the way, My name is Fox, Devin Fox." he said holding out his hand. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Because you just did a James Bond line"
He started laughing with me once he realized what he said.
"But my name is Morales, Melody Morales." I said smiling.
"Well Mrs. Morales, since you are hurt, let me take you home."
"No its okay, You dont have to do...." He cut me off, "No, I want to."
"Oh okay, if you insist" We were walking and talking just about everything until we got to my house.

We got to my house and I asked him if he would like to come in. "Su..."
He got cut off by his phone ringing. "Actually I cant, My ban... err, friends said I have to get to my house, Sorry."
"No its okay, Can I have your number?"
We exchanged numbers and he left while I went inside with Ginger. "Ahh... Best. Day. Ever." I said sliding down the door. "Wait, Why do I smell spagetti?" I asked myself. I walked into the kitchen and seen my brother cooking. I jumped on him, "BATMANNN!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"
"I missed you too BatGirl" He said. "I thought you were on tour?"
"We got to go home early." He said.
"Yayyy.... Wait, Where are the others?"
"Ohh Them, They're in the basement play Call of Duty"
"Yayyyyy! Call of Duty!"
"I swear sometimes you are a guy" He muttered under his breath.
"Oh shush, Call of Duty is the game" I started walking down the stairs. "Tell them that dinner will be done in about 45 minutes" Gabe yelled. "Okay" I said.
I walked down the stairs and seen everyone but Dana. "Wheres Dan..." Just then someone picked me up, threw me on the couch, and started tickling me. "Stappphhh....Cant....Breath.....GABE! COLE! WILL! DAVID! HELP!" Those four were laughing while Gabe came running down the stairs, "Whats goin...Ohh. Guys leave her alone." He said. Dana stopped and I hugged Gabe,
"Thanks Batman."
"No problem BatGirl"
"Well I'm going upstairs, Call me when dinners done."
"Okay" they said in unison. I went upstairs and plugged in my phone when my phone went off. 
From Da Bae
Hey Melody, It's Devin

To Da Bae
Oh Hey Devin and I like your contact

From Da Bae
Thanks :) So what are you doing?

To Da Bae
Nothing. Just survived a tickle from my brothers friend. Wbu?

From Da Bae
At my house with my friends

"MEL! FOOD!" Gabe yelled.

To Da Bae
Bout to eat. Ttyl. 

From Da Bae
Okay. Ttyl Beautiful.

He called me baeutiful. I can feel the blush coming to my cheeks. I walked downstairs with the blush still visible on my face.
"Ohh. Look who's blushingggg" Cole said.
"Ooooh. Who's the boy?" Dana.
"Boy?! What boy?!" Gabe.
"Oh No one, just someone who I met at the park today." I said.
"When can I....." I cut Gabe off, "No you can not meet him."
"Why not?"
"Because I dont want you to interrogate him."
"No, no buts, Drop the subject and lets eat." 
We finished eating and I did the dishes, so I told the guys I was going to bed, "Okay Night"  The guys said. I went upstairs, plugged in my phone, got in my pjs, and layed down. I was thinking about today and I fell asleep dreaming about Devin.

So thats the first real chapter. Tell me if you guys liked it? 


Update: 3 things.
1. I went back, read it, and realized that I made A LOT of spelling errors. 

Why didn't you guys tell me? Lol. 

2. Well, I fixed the errors. Be happy(:. 

3. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating, but I have my other story on my other account that I have to work on, because I've only have one chapter published. (My story is called ""Frozen" and it's a Michael Clifford fanfic(: )

4. I'm working on a new chapter so it should be up in a couple of days. 

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