Ch. 5 {I'm Glad To Have Someone Like Him}

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Melody's POV
I woke up the next morning with a couple texts from Devin.
Bold- Melody  ltalic- Devin
Goodnight Melody. Sweet Dreams. ~Devinxxxx
Good morning Princess. How'd you sleep? ~Devinxxxx
Good morning. I slept good. Hbu? ~Melxxxx
That's Good. I have something to tell you, so meet in say about an hour? ~Devinxxxx
I wonder what you have to tell me? But okay, see you later ;) ~Melxxxx
I did my morning routine (shower, get dressed, brush teeth, etc.) and went downstairs and seen Gabe at the dinner table. "Hey Mel, How'd you sleep?" He asked. "Good. How about you?" "I slept good. Do you want any breakfast?" "Nah, I'm going out with a friend so we will probably get some breakfast." "Okay. Well I'm hanging out with Alex today so bye Mel." "Bye Batman." He kissed me on the cheek and went out the door. I went back upstairs and seen a text from Devin.
Hey loser, I'm outside. ;) ~Devinxxxx
I grabbed my phone and other necessities and put them in my bag, grabbed my beanie (Which is TFiOS beanie) and went downstairs, locked up and went outside to see Devin waiting in his car. I decided to scare him. I snuck up to his car and jumped and screamed. "AHHH!" He yelled. "What the? Mel?" "Yessss?" I asked. "Why did you scare me?" He asked smirking. "No reason." I went to the passenger side and got in with him still smirking at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Huh? No reason." He said suspiciously. "Okay." I said scared. He drove away and stopped at a diner just down the street. "You know, we could of just walked down here. Right?" I asked. "Yeah, but I was lazy and didn't feel like walking from my house to your house." He replied. We walked and the waitress took us to our table and gave us the menus and walked to another table. "So what do you want to order?" He asked. "Hm.. I want the burger and fries with a coke. What about you?" I replied/asked. "I think I'll have the same thing." He called the waitress over and told her our orders. "Okay, I'll be right back with theses orders." In the mean time, Devin and I talked. "Did you know I absolutely LOVE accents?" I said. "Oh really now?" He smirked and tried to fake a British accent. "And did you know you are HORRIBLE at trying accents?" I said. The waitress came back with our food and drinks and it tasted amazing. "So Devin, what was so important that you had to cut in from reading?" I asked. "Well, you know how I told you that I was in a band?" I 'hm'ed'. "Well, [he paused] I'M GOING ON TOUR!" Everyone shh'ed us. "OMG REALLY! Who are you touring with?" I asked. "A band called something like I'm 5 or something like that?" My mouth hung open. "Mel. Melll?" "YOU ARE GOING ON TOUR WITH MY BROTHER! I GET TO TOUR WITH YOU GUYS! OMG, I AM SO HAPPY!" Everyone shh'ed us again. "Ohh shush yourselves, I'm happy here." "What?!" He asked, amazed. "Yes, and I won't have to worry about missing you!" "I won't have to worry about the same thing!" This day possibly could NOT get any better. We finished eating and went back outside to Devin's car. "So where next?" I asked. "It's a surprise." He said bluntly. "Oh, c'mon, Not even a little hint?" I begged. "Nah." He said, smirking, again. What's with him and smirking? We got in the car and he started driving. "Hey, can I turn the music up?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." I turned it up and one of my favorite songs was on; Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's.
Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City
I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty, yes you do.
Times Square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true.
Hey there Delilah, don't you worry about the distance.
I'm right there if you get lonely, give this song another listen, close your eyes.
Listen to my voice its my disguise, I'm by your side.
Oh, It's what you do to me, Oh its what you do to me.
Oh, its what you do to me, Oh its what you do to me, what you do to me.
Hey there Delilah, I know times are getting hard but just believe me girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar, We'll have it good,
We'll have the life we knew we would, my word is good.
Hey There Delilah, I got so much left to say, If every simple song I'd wrote to you would take your breathe away
I'd write 'em all, Even more in love with me you'd fall, We'd have it all.
Oh, its what you do to me, Oh its what you do to me.
Oh, its what you do to me, Oh its what you do to me.
A thousand miles seems pretty far but they got planes and trains and cars
I'd walked to if I'd had no other way.
Our friends would all make fun of us but we'll just laugh along because we'd know that none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you that by the time that we get through the world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame.
Hey there Delilah you be good and don't you miss me, two more years, and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history, like I do.
They'll know its all because of you, we can do whatever we want to,
Hey there Delilah here's to you, this ones for you.
Oh, its what you do to me, Oh its what you do to me.
Oh, its what you do to me, Oh its what you do to me, what you do to me.
[Instrumentals] [End of song]

"Wow! You have such a beautiful voice." He said. "Thanks." I said while blushing, of course. "Wait, are we here already?" I asked. "Yup" popping the "p". "For how long?" "About 2 and 1/2 minutes, but you had such a beautiful voice that I didn't want to interrupt." I blushed. "Thanks. So where are we?" "Um.. A park, but its one out of town. I went for a drive the other night to think and stumbled upon this place." He answered. "Wow, It's beautiful." It was kinda like a forest but in the middle had a lake that came from a waterfall and it had a hill so you can jump into the water. The water was a clear, sky blue and looked really beautiful. The grass was a bright green, not grass you would find from where I live, this was healthier than that stuff. There were different types of flowers; roses, tulips, dandelions, and many more beautiful, healthy flowers. The trees were beautiful. There were big oak trees and many other kinds of trees. This whole scenery was just beautiful. "Yeah, it is." Devin said. I turned around and seen that he was looking at me. I blushed a deep red, which he probably seen. Next thing I know, Devin jumped in the water in just his boxers! "Um.. What are you doing?" I asked. "Enjoying the water! now c'mon, scary cat, jump in! The waters fine." He replied. I hesitated at first but told him to turn around so I can take my clothes off. He turned around and I took off my shirt, pants, and beanie, which just left me in my under clothes. I jumped in when I was done and Devin turned around. He stared at me and suddenly felt insecure. "Stop staring at me." I said shyly. He blushed and tried to hide it but I caught it. He swam over to me and did the most unexpecting thing: He dunked me underwater! I resurfaced but Devin was no where to be seen. "Devin! Devin!!" I started to get scared. "Devin!" He snucked up behind me and I screamed and started crying. "Hey, Shh, Whats wrong, love?" He said calmly. "I-I T-t-thought yo-u g-got hurt or t-taken. I-I g-got s-scared. I-I w-wouldn't-t k-know what to do i-if y-you l-left m-me." I couldn't stop crying. "Hey, hey now. I'm here, aren't I? And I would never ever leave you. Okay? Now, c'mon. Let's get you out and dried off." We got out and by now my tears were some what stopping. We dried off and before we started walking, Devin hugged me and said, "I will never leave you, ever. Okay?" "Promise?" I said, holding out my pinky finger, still a little shaky. "I promise." We hooked fingers and walked back to his car. We got in and Devin started the car. He drove off, reached over, and grabbed my hand. I smiled and glanced over at him.
I'm glad I have someone like him.


Guys, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated. I just forgot to update and I've been trying to write and new story but I still don't know yet. Well, since thats done, Can you guys comment? I feel like you guys don't like my story cause you don't comment so I don't really know how you guys feel about my story so can you pleaseeeee comment?? And to the side or up or whatever is her otd. (; ♥
~Well Bye My Loves~

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