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Peter Parker was not having a good day.

After he felt himself for once, he immediately woke up into another fight with Thanos. Well war would be more accurate, as armies of Aliens and Heroes were clashing in a field that seemed right out of a videogame. All he knew was to keep the large jeweled gauntlet away from the large blue jerk or the world would end...again.

Breaking away from a dogpile of enemies that swarmed him when he threw the gauntlet away, he rushed towards Iron Man, or Tony Stark, as he was battling Thanos alone. Thanos knocked Tony away, burying him up to his neck in rubble. Peter swung up to him and Tony exclaimed, "Kid?! What are you doing?!!"

"Umm you know, fighting Aliens, dodging explosions, the usual."

Tony looked up at him incredulously, "We are fighting for our lives and your making jokes?!!"

Peter started stuttering, "I-i have a bad habit of joking when I'm nervous. I'm going to, you know, stop him." Pointing to Thanos walking to retreave the Infinity gauntlet. Peter then shot a web to a piece of rubble near Thanos and launched himself into the fray.

Tony yelled, "NO KID! STOP! HE'S TOO STRONG!!!"

Peter dodged lasers, explosions, bullets, and other things that he thanked all the gods above that he had his spider sense. Just as Thanos bent down to pick up his ultimate weapon, Peter shot webs to pull it out of his reach! Thanos grunted in frustration and turned to face Peter.

Thanos sighed and got up muttering about more annoyances and regarded Peter, "Why can't you 'heroes' understand? The universe needs this."

Peter jumped between the gauntlet and Thanos. "Sorry bout that, I was kinda erased once, not in a hurry to repeat that little experience. Can't we just get along? I know of a good pizza joint in Queens-"

Thanos gripped his dual blade tightly and narrowed his eyes, " Foolish child, the sacrifice you and the rest of existence made was for the greater good... *sigh* Who am I trying to convince? You already made your choice... I'm sorry child, you must be eliminated."

Thanos pointed his blade at the webslingger who felt a cold chill go down his spine. Thanos's mere presence seemed to overwhelm the teenager. His resplendent armor to the way he carried himself both screamed confidence that Peter could only wish he had, and his combat experience dwarfed his own countless times over. Peter Parker gulped down his instincts to run and hide from this man and prepared to engage, muttering to himself, "Jeeze why don't they ever go for the pizza?"

"Did you honestly expect that to work? Your as foolish as you are reckless. But I commend you for standing for what you believe in, child. Very well, one last fight then."

Thanos raced with surprising speed towards Peter intending to cut him down quickly with a horizontal swipe to his neck. Peter did a quick slide to dodge and sent a kick to Thanos's abdomen. He put all the strength he could into it but when it hit, Thanks didn't even flinch as he slid back a few feet thanks to the rubble giving in.

Thanos looked Peter over again with a critical eye, "Seems I underestimated you, but unfortunately that kick didn't have enough power. You cannot win here, please give up. I do not wish to harm you more than necessary."

"You have a funny way of showing it." Peter yelled back while he thought of any options available. Tony was indisposed and the rest of the Avengers were fighting their own battles. He could feasibly see only a few of them actually beating this titan. Thor, Captain America, and that one fire chick he never seen before sprang to mind, but unfortunately for Peter, he didn't seem to fall into that godlike category...

His best plan was to stall until a stronger Avenger could help him. While he was strong, that was when compared to the foes he faces. The villains he is used to see street punks and the occasional super powered criminal. Thanos is several dozen leagues ahead of that by himself. Peter prayed to every deity he could think of that his agility and spider sense could keep him alive, and keep Thanos away from the death glove he wanted.

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