Chapter 3

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Peter had a new love hate relationship with how his life turned out now. On the one hand he had found a family in the Yokai and Shinto factions of Kyoto. Yasaka was like a genuine mother to him. She took him in as an equal, not as a servant like he had expected. The other yokai and Shinto gods like Susanoo took awhile to convince due to him being an "ignorant gaijin" but after Ama or as Peter soon learned, the actual sun goddess Amateratsu, gifted him with knowledge of the Japanese language, among other languages, he quickly gained favor. Saving Princess Kunou and her best friend Shirone gained him a lot of allies.

Speaking of Kunou and Shirone, the three hit it off almost immediately along with the person who drop kicked him, Shirone's sister Kuroka. The two sisters fled the devil's faction when Shirone unlocked her senjutsu when Kuroka's former master betrayed them both and hurt Kuroka. Kuroka saw it coming and planned to kill him, but Shirone showed up, and distracted her, causing Naberious, her master, to get a bit in. Enraged by this Shirone not only unlocked her senjutsu, but forced out her second tail, and promptly tore the unprepared devil apart.

Seeing no other option, Kuroka altered her original plan to leave her sister, and took her along with her. Instead of antagonizing the devils into putting the blame on her specifically, she and her sister disappeared and fled to Japan, home of the few senjutsu users than can train her little sister in her new power. Masala took them in, as they were the last of the rare nekomata breed, the nekushou. They then met Kunou, their new best friend, and now Peter, who the three friends worked together to seduce him into a relationship with all three of them.

Peter took a lot of convincing but eventually broke down. He felt like he was using them and would get depressed about himself when one of the girls flirted with him. It took a serious sit down with Yasaka to convince him that he was not abusing them when each planned to make him theirs.

Now Peter was the official apprentice to Amateratsu herself for years now, and found a new passion aside from his girls, magic and sorcery. The power to twist the elements to his whim intrigued him to no end. He wanted to learn what the limits of magic were, where it came from, and how it could benefit those he cared for.

He took what little comfort in that as Amateratsu threw him though the 3rd floor window when he was studying from a magic text. Again.

"What's the point in reading about it if you are too weak to world it for yourself?", was the goddess's reasoning. Magic doesn't work like videogames would lead you to believe. To use stronger spells, you can't just cram in hours with a dusty tome. If your body can't handle the power coursing through you, it will at best, cripple you. Intelligence is needed to learn the damn spells but you need the physical stats to cast them.

In other words, Amateratsu had an excuse to torture Peter in the name of training. Why is it always the outwardly kind ones that turn into sadists, Peter wondered as he counted the dark spots that danced in his vision when he landed hard onto the concrete below.

Peter's pupils dilated in slight fear as his teacher jumped down to attack him further. As he rolled away, she slammed into the spot he was at before, creating a large shockwave and temporarily creating a small sun around her, melting the earth.

" Ufufufu, silly child. Did you really believe this is over?", The goddess mocked. "You dared mock the divinity that is Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. Such insolence shall be punished!"

Peter smirked as he got to his feet. "Kenshiro will always beat Jojo, goddess. For a sun, you sure ain't too bright." Peter charged her with a standard punch, which Amateratsu caught with ease. "by the way, that shockwave earlier, I think I'm gonna give it back."

Her eyes widened and she glanced at Peter's hand as a red spell circle surrounded it. Then she shot away through the castle walls with the speed of a falling star, her own kenetic force being used against her. Peter's eyes lit up, and he cackled in a mad scientist like fashion before sprinting off to attack her further.

Meanwhile Yasaka was having an important meeting with another faction, talks were going well as she finally got a break from the devils. The Maou Leviathan finally agreed to absolve the bounty on her charges Shirone and Kuroka. She had been fighting the devils in that for years, but devils were stubborn with those considered high class and Yasaka had to agree to let a small part of japan be used as part of a few devils' training, namely Kuoh Academy and the small town of resided in. Small price to pay to keep not only her daughter's friends safe but the last two Nekushou safe.

Just as the meeting was closing a goddess crashed through the wall and demolished the meeting table.

Yasaka face palmed as Peter charged the goddess, but Amateratsu grabbed him by the head and slammed him into the floor embedding him. Amateratsu then smiled at the Maou, who was stunned, and Yasaka. "Oh hello Sera-tan, Yasa-chan. How are you two doing?"

"Really Ama! It's not even noon! Your already wreaking the place! That's the fifth time this week!!" Yasaka chided her friend, but before Amateratsu could respond, a firey explosion launched Amateratsu through the ceiling. Peter slowly got up rubbing his bruised jaw.

"Well that hurt-" before Peter could say more Yasaka slapped him upside the head with one of her tails.

"Quit smashing up my damn castle! I just got if fixed from your last spat! If your both so pent up just get a room and fuck until it's out of your system!!"

It was then Peter looked around and saw the official meeting he just interrupted along with the annoyed fox woman.

"Uhh this place was like this when I got here and..." Peter pointed to the hole that his teacher made. "it was her fault I swear."

The second woman was obviously a devil, Peter knew as .ugh thanks to his training. Quite a powerful one as well. More powerful than him at least. Well unless he used THAT, but well a last resort stays a last resort. Strange thing was she was hiding a large quantity of her power. It was almost unnoticeable, only his hypersensitivity to magic let him detect it.

The woman smirked when his eyes widened as Peter when he started to feel the power within the violet eyes woman.

"Been awhile since anyone could accurately read me. I've got even my fellow Maous fooled. Yet you saw right through it in less than a minute." The woman stated. "Or were you just looking at my chest? It is rather large, isn't it cutie?~"

She then struck a sexy pose that accentuated her large breasts and Peter was caught completely off guard. As he tried to stutter out an apology, Amateratsu saved him by dropping right on the devil.

He then did what any sane man would do seeing his hot goddess trainer landing face first into a devils chest. His nose bled and he fainted in shock.

"Damn it Ama-tan! I almost got him! And get your head outta my breasts! You know I don't swing that way!!!" The devil raged.

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