Chapter 1

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Author's POV
You were Ruby's childhood friend in Signal. You two cannot be separated from each other.

(Y/n): Ruby please slow down.

Ruby: Come on (Y/n) we have go to the Cafe now and were already late.

(Y/n): Ya know i can't run as fast as you.

You still remember your first day at beacon with her. She is always hyper and childish, but thats what you like about her.

Flashback (5 years)
Ruby: U-uh... (Y/n)?

(Y/n): What is it Rubs?

Ruby: D-do you like me?

(Y/n): Of course! Since the day i met you.

Ruby: T-then c-can i be your g-girlfriend?

(Y/n): Yes Ruby. I Love you!

Ruby: I Love you too (Y/n)! I promise we won't be separated.

You accepted Ruby as your girlfriend. You were happy even with her little bit yandere side, everytime a girl talks to you or flirt with you Ruby will just give them a death stare or worse threatens them but you were cool with that.

Ruby: I swear if any girl tries to talk to you or flirt with you I will.

(Y/n): Kill them, Torture them or Bury them alive. I know Rubs and i'll always love you.

Ruby: I love you soooo muuuuch (Y/n)!!!

(Y/n): *chuckles* I love you too Rubs.

Jaune: Chill guys.

Pyrrha: Aw that's so cuuuute!

Flashback End

You arrived at the cafe seeing your friends Yang, Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren and Nora. They were to each other, until they saw both of you.

Jaune: Hey (Y/n)!

Yang: Hi sis and hey there (Y/n)!

Nora & Ren: Hey (Y/n) and Ruby.

Weiss: You two are 10 mins late.

Blake: Take a sit.

Ruby: Sorry Weiss. (Y/n) is super slow.

(Y/n): Um. Sorry? I don't have a semblance like yours.

Ruby: *giggles* Anyways how are you all doing?

Pyrrha: We're good just waiting for you guys.

(Y/n): Yeah my bad.

Yang: Well atleast both of you are here and that's what all matters.

(Y/n): Thanks Yang. So anyone want something to drink?

Ruby: I'll just have Milk

Yang: Latte

Weiss: Tea

Blake: same as Weiss

Nora: Hot Chocolate

Ren: Dark Mocha

Pyrrha: Cappuccino

You went inside the cafe and started to order some drinks. While the others are busy talking, Jaune heard a Phone ringing. He heard the sound coming from Ruby, she was talking to the phone and giggles the table was silent and they looked at Ruby.

Ruby: *giggles* I know its really funny and all. I'll call you later okay? Bye! I love you too.

Blake: Uhh... Ruby? Who was that on the phone?

Ruby: Oh just a friend no one important.

Jaune(mind): Who was that on the phone...

Pyrrha: Are you ok Jaune?

Jaune: Oh uh im good.

You came back with everyone's drinks and they were surprised that you were buying drinks for them. While giving out the drinks you noticed Jaune giving Ruby a weird look but you just shrugged it off.

(Y/n): So guys you have plans on weekend?

Jaune: Nah

Pyrrha: I have to go on an event.

Ren: Me and Nora are going to buy some clothes.

Weiss: I'll just go to the library and study.

Blake: I'm going with Weiss.

Yang: Going to Junior's bar.

Ruby: I... Uh going to visit my mom's grave and upgrade Crescent Rose... So I can't hang out with you this weekend.

(Y/n): It's Ok. So Jaune wanna hangout with me?

Jaune: Sure Bro.

To be continued...

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