Chapter 2

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Author's POV
Everyone has a plan on weekend except for you and Jaune. You two were best friend so both of you went to Dusk till Dawn to listen some music.

Jaune: Hey (Y/n)

(Y/n): Hm?

Jaune: Have you get the feeling Ruby is acting strange lately?

(Y/n): Yea... Shes acting distantly and cold to me.

Jaune: Yea and the other the day i saw her talking to someone on the phone she was acting very suspicious.

(Y/n): I feel she's cheating on me, dont ya think?

Jaune: I don't know but maybe its something else.

So you and Jaune went to a cafe to get something to drink and eat. While you were eating you thought you saw Ruby while Jaune was looking you weird and wondering what are you looking at.

Jaune: Hey dude, you alright?

(Y/n): All good. I just thought i saw Ruby right now.

Jaune: She's visiting her mom's grave right now and upgrading her Crescent Rose.

(Y/n) : Yea...

After you and Jaune done eating. You said Goodbye to each other and you told him to come to your dorm tomorrow. So you went back to your dorm, so you went to your bed and put your stuff. Then you saw a picture of you and Ruby when you were still kids.

You were walking with Ruby to the park to play at the swings.

Ruby: Push with all your strength (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Okay.

So you pushed her with all your strength, she was enjoying it then you looked at the sky and noticed it was already getting dark so the two of you went back to her house and said.

(Y/n): We're here

Ruby: Thanks for playing with me and for walking me back home.

(Y/n): No problem.

So shes about to open the door but she pulled you to a hug, so you hugged back. Both of you enjoyed it.

(Y/n): Go inside now Ruby. It's already getting late.

Ruby: Okay bye! I love you (Y/n)!

(Y/n): I love you too Rubs.

While both of you were hugging, you heard a click at the door and saw Taiyang and Yang smiling. Taiyang took a picture, Ruby was embarrassed and angry at Yang.

Ruby: Dad!!!

You and Ruby broke the hug and she gave you a kiss on the lips and you broke the kiss.

(Y/n): Wow.

Ruby: Yea... Anyways bye (Y/n).

So you left Ruby's house and blushing after Ruby gave you a kiss on the lips.

Flashback end
So you went to sleep and still thinking about Ruby.

The Next Morning
You walk up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower, you saw a message on your scroll and it was Jaune.


Jaune: Hey (Y/n)!

Hey! What's up :(Y/n)

Jaune: Nothing much. So what's the plan for today?

Just meet me at the cafe, okay? :(Y/n)

Jaune: Okay, don't be late man.

So you went to change into your (Fav)shirt, and black jeans. You pick up a small box with a cute red ribbon, it was a present for Ruby it was a necklace that she want so bad when you were still young.

You and Ruby were walking down the streets of Vale until she stopped at a jewelry store and saw the Silver Rose necklace.

Ruby: Hey (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Yea?

Ruby: Will you buy me that necklace someday?

(Y/n): Of course.

Ruby: Yay!!!

She hugged you and continue walking.

At the age of 18 you went to the jewelry and saw the necklace still there and you figured you want to surprise Ruby.

(Y/n): Sir i want to purchase that necklace.

Clerk: Okay, its 15,000 Lien

(Y/n): Sure.

You gain the money buy hunting down Grimms and Working at night. Then the Clerk puts the necklace in the box.

Clerk: It's for someone special.

(Y/n): Yea its for my Girlfriend.

You were happy that you bought the necklace and waiting for the right time to give it.

Flashback end

So you went to the cafe and saw Jaune, he was waiting for you.

Jaune: So what now?

(Y/n): You'll see, just follow me.

You and Jaune went back to the dorm and he was surprised why they were going there.

Jaune: What are we doing here?

(Y/n): I wanna give Ruby a gift so ill just put it to her bed.

Jaune: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Okay!

So you and Jaune walk down the halls stealthy. When you were getting closer to their dorm room, you both heard something on the other side of the room you and Jaune open the door slightly and saw Ruby kissing another guy. You don't know how to react Jaune is also surprised. You were about to leave but suddenly you dropped the gift making a noise, so both Ruby and the guy he was kissing and having sex. They heard something outside. You and Jaune run outside then Jaune was surprised for what Ruby have done. Jaune saw the face of the guy it was Owen. (I own Owen and hes a friend)

Jaune: (Y/n)... I feel bad for you i never thought she would this kind of thing.

You look at the Sky seeing the clouds pass by you. You walked to the opposite direction and said to Jaune.

(Y/n): See ya tomorrow Jaune...

Jaune: S-sure man.

You were broken, sad and angered for what Ruby has done to you. What did you do wrong, you made everything perfect for her every day. You went back to your dorm and lay to your bed and thinking.

(Y/n): Now what....

To be Continued....

Yandere Cheater Ruby X Male Reader X RWBY Girls (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now