Chapter 13

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Author's POV
You were still in the hospital laying down on the bed even though you're already fine and thinking of why do you have to save Ruby.

(Y/n): Seriously? Why do i have to save Ruby? I know i need to save Weiss because i promised her that i won't let anything happen to her but... Why do i have to save Ruby? Am i still in love with her? Because if i do I'll seriously stab myself a million times.

The door open and it revealed Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Hello Mr. (L/n) or Shadow i am here to remond you that the upcoming Tournament in Beacon will be next week.

(Y/n): Thanks for reminding me. Im pretty sure I'll release tomorrow. Also did you told them about me?

Ozpin: *chuckles* Do not worry, i just told them to stay in their hotel room and don't go outside without any guards with them.

(Y/n): Thank you Oz.

Ozpin: Now if you excuse me i have something to discuss with General Ironwoods regarding the Festival.

(Y/n): Okay.

The Headmaster left you to rest for a while until the door opened, this made you nervous for a while thinking it might be Team RWBY, but it was just your mother and daughter.

(Y/n): Good Evening Guys.

Daoko: Good evening. I bought some drinks and sushi for you.

(Y/n): Thank you mom. So Diane, what did your mother call you?

Diane: Mother said she's pregnant.

Daoko: I'm going to have another grandchild!!!

(Y/n): Really?! So is it a boy or a girl?

Diane: She told me that it's a girl also... She became mad after i told her about the incident...

(Y/n): Don't tell me she's going to destroy Atlas?

Diane: Don't worry. I told her that your wounds are all healed and the suspect has been taken care of.

Daoko: Hm?

(Y/n): Wait! Did you kill him?

Diane: *sighs* Mother will be mad if i didn't killed the suspect.

(Y/n): Can't get mad after all it's already been done.

Diane: I'm sorry father...

(Y/n): Come here my daughter, im not mad at you... Im just a bit worried that something might happened to you.

Daoko: Anyways you should eat and rest after you eat, ok?

(Y/n): Thank you mom.

Meanwhile at the Hotel
The Team RWBY woke up as usual and still thinking about the incident last night especially to Ruby and Weiss. Yang decided to grab a drink in the mini fridge and opens the television to check the news, while Blake goes out to eat breakfast on her own.

Yang: Any interesting happening or nothing...

She put the channel on entertainment and saw a video of them with Shadow and Diane.

Yang: Hey guys! Check this out!

Ruby: What is it?!

Yang: Woah calm down little sis.

Ruby: S-sorry...

News Anchor: Good Morning and welcome to the entertainment news! The Shootout that occured last night in a party where famous people gather and performs. The shooter was a member of White Fang that had a intention of shooting the heiress of Schnee Dust Company and we're glad to say that the Heiress wasn't injured the new singer, Shadow (L/n) saved her and was shot in chest. Sources tell us he will be recovered soon, also a viral video of Shadow and Team RWBY's member Yang Xiao Long having a duet hits 100 million views it has been the most viewed video ever, now for the ne-

The three of them were surprised and glad that you're okay and the duet of you and Yang. While Ruby went to the comfort room to take a shower.

Yang: Damn, i hit them with a Yang!

Weiss: *sighs* Just stop Yang... Don't you find it a bit weird?

Yang: Hm? Why is that?

Weiss: Shadow's presence makes me happy and safe.

Yang: You already moving on to (Y/n)?

Weiss: Of course not!

Yang: Well he do look like (Y/n) if only his hair wasn't white and his eyes being red.

While they're talking about you, Ruby heard about your resemblance to (Y/n).

Ruby: Could it be my beloved (Y/n) is really alive and not dead? What an interesting theory but i need to investigate this more and to do this hehehe ahahhaha i-i must stalk him and i-if he's really (Y/n) im gonna make sure no one will ever have him ha ha ha he he he...

Yang and Weiss heard this from their beds.

Yang: Yikes! Looks like my lil sis is planning something crazy again.

Weiss: By crazy it means someone will get hurt or worst will be dead.

Blake: Well we have to stop her.

Yang: Your right we shou- Blake? When did you got back???

Blake: you guys were too busy listening to Ruby.

Weiss: Please do not do that again...

Blake: *giggles* Fine, by the way i bought us some food.

Yang: Thanks!

Weiss: Thank you.

Blake: No problem.

Meanwhile at the Hospital you were looking at the news with your mom and daughter.

Daughter: Wow you made it to news Father and also you made a new video with Ms. Xiao Long.

Daoko: You think you guys will be on the no. 1 chart?

(Y/n): We'll see. Also did the doctor told when can i be discharge?

Daoko: He said he'll check on you later.

(Y/n): So how are we going to do this?

Diane: What do you mean, Father?

(Y/n): Soon they'll found out my real identity and if they found out I don't know how they will react especially Weiss since she thought im dead...

Daoko: Calm down dear. I'm pretty sure Weiss will be happy and glad that you're alive.

(Y/n): Thank you Mom.

Diane: The only problem will be Ms. Rose... If she found out you're alive, im sure she'll kill Ms. Schnee.

(Y/n): I can handle her...

Daoko: Now now, you should go rest we will be right here if you need something.

(Y/n): Yea, tomorrow will be a new day with mix of good and bad parts...

Author's Note
Sorry for not updating, im kinda busy with my other books and depressed on some games like Fate Grand Order and Arknights. I'll update my other books soon so go check it out. Zeth out!

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