Chapter 4

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Author's POV
The rest of the gang is here also Ruby so you keep talking to Weiss and Jaune until.

Nora: Hey guys! What are you doing here?

(Y/n): Just hanging out.

Yang: Oh so what was that?

Jaune: What do you mean?

Blake: Why did everyone here started to clap their hands and shouting.

Jaune: Oh! (Y/n) and Weiss performed in the stage and the people loved it!

Ruby: You can sing?!

(Y/n): What do you mean i can? My mom is a singer after all.

Ruby: I mean i never know you can sing.

(Y/n): Yea yea whatever

Ruby: What do you mean?

(Y/n): Nothing, anyways i have to go now I'll see ya around.

Ren: See ya

Yang: Be safe

Jaune: Yea see ya!

I stood up from your seat then Weiss grabs your arm and you looked at her.

Weiss: I wanna come with you since im going to the library.

(Y/n): *giggles* Sure Weiss.

So you and Weiss went back to beacon but someone wasnt very happy see you walking outside with Weiss holding your hands and you enjoyed it.

Ruby(mind): Why the Hell is Weiss holding (Y/n)'s hand?! He should be holding mine not hers!

Ruby is very mad at the moment and stood up from her sit and said.

Ruby: Hey guys im going somewhere else for now. Ill be right back.

Jaune: Sure

Yang: Okay

Blake: Alright

So Ruby left the Cafe and follow you both back in the dorm. Meanwhile you didn't notice that Ruby is following you because you were busy talking to Weiss about your childhood with her and you were surprised she still remember the time you sing with her.

Weiss: Then after that performance you ran to your mother crying.

(Y/n): Wha- Hey! Im not used in crowd before!

Weiss: *giggles*

(Y/n): Im happy you still remember those days.

Weiss: Y-yea...

You looked at Weiss blushing from what you just said.

(Y/n): Are you okay?

Weiss: Oh uh i-im ok!

(Y/n): So Weiss ive been thinking why does an angel like you don't have a boyfriend, you have a lot of admirers and you keep Rejecting their feelings. Why?

She blushed after you said the word Angel.

Weiss: W-well my father doesn't like any of them and of course i don't like them, so i told father the guy i like and he is very Happy with it.

(Y/n): Oh~? Then who is this lucky guy?

Weiss: You'll see...

(Y/n): Okay...

As the two of you standing in front of your dorm room. Ruby is hiding at the end of the hallway she still can hear your conversation.

Ruby: What the Hell is Weiss doing at (Y/n) room?! I thought she's going to the library.

Weiss: Hey... (Y/n)?

(Y/n): What is it?

Weiss: I-if you confess to someone about your feelings... How do you do it?

(Y/n): Well if it was me whos going to confess to someone i like i would go tell her face to face and tell her my feelings towards her.

You looked at Weiss she's blushing and trying to hide her face like she wants to say something very important.

Weiss: (Y-(Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hm?

She leans towards you and she kissed you then forces her tongue and your eyes were widen surprised by her sudden kiss, so you just closed your eyes and enjoys it. But there is someone watching filled with anger.


So both of you were kissing for 5 minutes and then she broke the kiss due to lack of air, then both of you stare at each other and she said.

Weiss: I love you (Y/n) ever since we were young i always think of you everytime i touch my self or thinking of you makes me wet.

(Y/n): Wow i-i didn't know that... Im sorry...

Weiss: I was broken when your father told me you already have someone and she broke your heart now here i am to help you and to comfort you. I-if you just want to be friends i-

Before she could finish her sentence. You pinned her to the wall and you kissed her for a few seconds.

(Y/n): I love you too Weiss ever since we were young im scared that you and your father won't accept me since im just a son of a Specialist and you being a Heiress.

Weiss: Everything is Ok now (Y/n). Father already approved you and he wanted you to be the next CEO of the company. Now since we confess each other our feelings... Do you want to be my Boyfriend?

(Y/n): Of course! I will be your boyfriend and in the future your Husband.

So you and Weiss bid farewell to each other. You went back to your room and Weiss went to library to study. Ruby left the Dorm and ran back to cafe.

You decided to go back to the cafe seeing Jaune, Pyrrha, Yang, Blake and Ruby chatting about School Lessons.

Jaune: Oh (Y/n) I thought you went back to your dorm?

(Y/n): Well i decided to go back and not to leave the gang yet. And where's Ren and Nora?

Pyrrha: They went back to dorm first cause Nora keeps begging Ren for pancakes.

Blake: What about Weiss?

(Y/n): She already went to the library.

Yang: So (Y/n) I didn't know your a singer and the son of Daoko. How things Working for you?

(Y/n): Everything is fine and everytime i go on a mission or goes to atlas to perform with mom i earn some lien then pays things for myself I don't wanna trouble my parents.

You noticed Ruby's face angry and her eyes were dull.

Ruby: So~ (Y/n) what songs do you do?

(Y/n): I do Rock, Pop, Country songs and Dubstep.

Jaune: Cool!

(Y/n): Yea in fact i will do a new song tomorrow but i don't have the Equipments and instruments needed.

Ruby heard what you said and had an idea.

Ruby: Oh! I know a place we can record and we can also listen to what your song is about.

(Y/n): Okay

All of you keep talking about stuffs while you still thinking about Weiss. While Ruby still looking at you.

Ruby(mind): Oh~ (Y/n)~ dont worry I will feed her to the grimms on that way she won't bother the our relationship ever again~

End of Chapter 4~

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