Chapter 6

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Author's POV
After you finish recording with Weiss you all went out to have lunch and talk about stuffs. While Ruby is faking her smile and thinking how to get rid of Weiss. You guys were eating in a 5 star restaurant, when Yang asked you a question about your next mission.

Yang: So (Y/n) do you have song that will need us?

(Y/n): Yep and I'm thinking of bringing you guys on a Concert with my mom and perform with me in the stage. Also i told Ozpin you guys will be coming with me.

Yang: Oh cool!

Ruby heard your conversation with Yang so she had a devilish smile and came up with an idea.

Ruby: Wel i can record with (Y/n) than any of you guys and i wanna duet with him.

They looked at Ruby except you, Weiss and Jaune having a normal face while eating.

Pyrrha: Are you ok, Ruby?

Ruby: Of course.

(Y/n): Everything is always OK for her. (Sarcastic tone)

Ruby: What do you mean (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Nothing. Anyways i have to go now there is something i have to check.

Weiss: Do you really have to go?

(Y/n): Yea... Sorry Weiss.

Ren: Well see you later.

(Y/n): Okay anyways thanks for the helping me out today.

You walked over Jaune and hands him the money to pay for everyone's food and walks out waving to everyone. Then Ruby got a call from Owen.

Owen: Hey Rubs.

Ruby: Hey babe.

Owen: Can i see you later?

Ruby: Of course babe.

Owen: Okay bye babe.

Ruby: Bye~

Ruby hang up and walked back to the others but she didnt know there are two person listening. It was Weiss and Jaune.

Weiss: Looks like brat is going on a date.

Jaune: Should we follow her and tell (Y/n)?

Weiss: I think that will be necessary and tell him to meet us in the fountain.

Jaune: Cool

The joins back to the others, while you went to Dusk till dawn to check some new songs of your mom and thinking of how will you confront your 'girlfriend' who has been cheating . Your scroll rang and saw it was Jaune.

(Y/n): You need something Jaune?

Jaune: Well we heard that Ruby is going to see Owen later, so me and Weiss are going to spy on her so... Wanna come with us?

You were thinking for a second and replied quickly.

(Y/n): Sure and i wanna hang out with Weiss after all.

Jaune: Okay man meet us in the fountain I'll Weiss that your coming.

(Y/n): Okay.

You ended the call and walks to the counter to pay and you walks out heading back to your dorm. While walking you were thinking about what your going to say to Ruby.

Timeskip Dorm
You arrived to your room and puts the songs you bought on the table. You're getting ready to meet up Weiss and Jaune in the fountain so you start putting your clothes and grabs the present then went to the fountain to meet up Weiss and Jaune. Meanwhile Ruby just finished upgrading Crescent Rose and packs her things then ran outside to meet Owen but she didn't know she's being followed by Weiss and Jaune. Outside they hid on a wall and heard voices.

Ruby: Babe!

Owen: Hey babe! Shall we get going?

Ruby: Where?

Owen: Hmm... Park or Restaurant?

Ruby: Let's go eat, i didn't eat too much.

Owen: Sure.

So both of them heads to a restaurant while Jaune and Weiss keeps on following them. Then Jaune's scroll rang and check who's calling its you so he answered the call.

(Y/n): Hey im already here at the Fountain, where are you?

Jaune: Go to the restaurant near in Signal Academy.

(Y/n): Ok I'm coming.

So you hang up and use your semblance to get where Jaune and Weiss is. You ran as fast as you can.

20 minutes later
You arrived at the restaurant and went inside you saw Weiss and Jaune watching  Ruby and Owen they seem not to notice that they're being watched. So you walked over Weiss and Jaune's Table.

Weiss: Seriously im gonna kill that stupid little bitch!

Jaune: Lower your voice Weiss they might notice we're here...

Weiss: Y-yea...

Suddenly Weiss felt something tap her shoulder and looked behind, it was you.

Weiss: (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Shhh... Hey Jaune.

Jaune: Hey man, look over there.

Jaune pointed the table where Owen and Ruby are eating, laughing and kissing. It made you depressed. But Weiss grabs your hand and you looked at her and kiss her forehead.h

Weiss: It's ok (Y/n) im still here and i love you.

(Y/n): I know Hon and i love you too.

Jaune: Guys we can approach them now or later.

(Y/n): No we will confront them now.

So the three of you walks toward where Ruby and Owen are eating. Ruby saw you and looks down in shame. Owen noticed you also and said.

Owen: Let's talk about this in the park shall we.

(Y/n): Yea we don't wanna cause trouble here.

So the six of you went heads to park and stops infront of a bench.

Owen: Look dude its not my fault. You left Ruby for 2 years and she wanted someone to comfort her and make her happy.

(Y/n): I don't care i worked so damn hard for her and this what she gives me?!

You punched Owen on the face and he falls to his knees  and his nose is bleeding, Ruby ran at him and wipes his nose.


Owen punched you in the face but you punched him so hard in the face again making him hit the tree and gets knocked out.


Ruby charged at you with Crescent Rose in her hands. She slice you left arm and shots you in the heart making you fall to your knees. Weiss ran at you screaming and held you in her arms.

Weiss: (Y/n)!!! Stay with me! Don't close your eyes and look at me.

Jaune: Ruby are you out of your mind?!

Ruby came back to her senses and realized what she have done she also ran at you crying.

Ruby: (Y-y/n)!!! Im so sorry i-I didnt meant to. Stay with me please dont leave.

Timeskip at the Hospital
Your friends arrive; Team JNPR and RWBY are waiting outside the operation room. Their faces are full of sadness and depression. Suddenly the door opens and they were surprised to see Prof. Ozpin.

Weiss: Prof. Ozpin? H-how's (Y/n)?

Ruby: I-is he okay?

Prof. Ozpin: Mr. (L/n) is...

Author's note
I wasn't able to save last time so i have to start again...

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